vendredi 17 janvier 2014

Plus Size Dance Tights Allow Everyone To Enjoy Dancing

By Marissa Velazquez

The common misconception about dancers is that they are all women and that they are all tiny, little, frail body types. The fact that plus size dance tights exist runs counter to this fallacy. There are dancers of many types. Dancing crosses all gender lines, lifestyles, sizes, personality types, races, creeds and belief systems. It truly can be a unifying factor between people who have worlds of differences between them.

Dancing originated before written record so it can be said that of all the historical or religious documents are predated by dancing. As the origins of early music are questionable, so are the origins of dancing. As soon as a person moved their body along with any sort of sound, dancing was invented, whether it was intentional or not. From its inception, it has been a way of expressing some incommunicable factor.

The larger man or woman has a much more difficult time shopping. Their sizes are more difficult to find. All of the racks must be poured through in a desperate search not for what they want but rather for whatever will cover their entire body. If you are a man with a waist size higher than 38 or an inseam longer than 36, it is next to impossible to find pants.

It isn't just weight and height though that make a difference in the ease of shopping. Men who have thick necks can have massive troubles finding dress shirts that fit right. If your collar can't button it is rather difficult to wear any kind of tie and therefore makes limits on formal wear. They have to wear what fits rather than what they want to.

All sorts of people dance. Fat people, skinny people, Asian, African and European folks all enjoy dancing. In fact, one of the things that many cultures have in common is exactly it. Sometimes, traveling troupes are sent as emissaries to different countries and continents to represent their own people and culture. The art form has brought entire countries together and helped to connect cultures that were previously out of touch.

The commodification of appearance was a slick marketing move by many companies. Many items of clothing have been designed with the sole purpose of giving a slimmer appearance. There are girdles, tights, shirts and pants that promise to give the appearance of a tighter body. The surprising thing is that they sell these products by the container load. Given half a chance, most of these products fail to meet expectations and even if they did, wouldn't it be slightly dishonest to wear them?

Dancing can also be used to gain an education. With many scholarships and grants available to people who dance, young people often use it as a vehicle to get a college education. The benefits of an education speak for themselves. A degree offers more opportunity than no degree.

With all of the different types of people dancing, it's no surprise that it is a global phenomenon. Plus size dance tights are proof that the stereotypical ballet dancer isn't the only type of dancer. It bridges the gaps between unfamiliar cultures and creates a common bond between people who are otherwise strangers.

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