mardi 14 janvier 2014

Types Of Coverage Offered By Auto Insurance Los Angeles Firms

By Marissa Velazquez

The market of auto insurance Los Angeles comprises of various types of insurance coverage to accommodate the need of each and every car owner. The protection is against a number of common unintended incidences that you can file a claim for in case you get involved. The various coverage are however optional and if you decide to pick more than one then automatically your premium will go up. Choosing the appropriate coverage is very important as it can cushion you against a big financial loss. Listed below is some of the available coverage in the market.

The first one is known as liability coverage. This type will not cover any damage resulting from an accident to your own automobile but will take care of the vehicle belonging to the other party. It must however be proved beyond reasonable doubt that you were at fault in the accident. The coverage is only applicable while you are driving your own car or a car belonging to your friend and with his permission. The law dictates the minimum liability coverage which if you do not meet then you will not be allowed to drive.

Collision coverage covers all expenses incurred as a result of an accident. If the cost of repairing the car exceed the value of the vehicle then you will only get compensation equivalent to the value of your car. This kind of coverage is not suitable for an old vehicle.

Comprehensive coverage is responsible for any other damage that can happen to your car like damages caused by weather, theft or even animal collision. It can be an expensive coverage but worth the cost when you find yourself in this kind of situations and especially with the increasing car theft cases. It is possible to have the prices of the policy reduced if you have anti-theft and car tracking devices installed in your vehicle.

Personal injury protection coverage is the type that everyone should have for their own good. Note that the cost of an accident can rise with no time and this where this coverage comes in handy. If you are involved in an accident that resulted to many casualties, this coverage will fully cover all passengers and the driver. Since not all states have this type of coverage, you need to find with your relevant state authority if this package is available there.

The insurance market also offers a policy called underinsured driver coverage. This will only apply when at the time of the accident the driver had only the minimum amount of liability coverage with no other coverage to take care of the losses. This policy will then settle all medical bills, the lost wages and damage to property. Some states even include the cost of a rental car but this comes only after you car is completely repaired.

Bodily injury liability is the last coverage in the list. When you inflict injury to someone in an auto accident, besides feeling guilty you are expected to foot his medical bills. This is where this product comes in to settle the bill. This will help you avoid the high charges of a legal suit.

Before buying any auto insurance Los Angeles coverage, you have to research well. This is mainly to establish the reliability of the company before putting pen to paper. Many people have fallen victims to fake firms so you have to be careful.

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