mercredi 1 octobre 2014

How To Follow The Path To Salvation

By Karina Frost

Sin is described as a human problem that causes a lot of suffering. Not only now in the current life but also, in the next one. Christians are believed to hold good news that can help deal with this problem. The good news is that of Jesus Christ who is referred to as the path to salvation. Evidence of this can be found in the Bible.

He is described as the way, because of his sacrificial death on the cross. This is also referred to as atonement for our sins. Jesus suffered and died for the sake of human beings. This forms the core of salvation. Whereby, only the blood of one man could atone for the sins of the whole world. By their own merit, they could not buy a ticket to heaven.

God is good and perfect. He has set up rules for us human beings to follow and that is where we fail. Sin comes about by disobedience of His commandments. We have the internal awareness of good and evil. However, our hearts are normally inclined towards evil. The roots of sin are said to lie in the character of a person.

Salvation is important. Only by getting saved can one go to heaven. A place believed to be way up in the sky where there are no worries or struggle. If you do not have faith in Jesus, it is said that one will go to Hell. A name that strikes fear in the heart of every man. For this reason many people put effort so as to make it to heaven.

Another positive reason is it enables you to better understand your creator. This somehow enables you to have a companion who is a Supreme Being. This somehow gives you peace and you know that someone has got your back when life gets hard. One is also able to understand the word of God well. This is the work of Holy Spirit.

To receive salvation, you should first of all take note of your sinful character. After which you should repent. This involves humbling yourself and asking for forgiveness. You should believe in the act of love of Jesus-his death for you. Lastly you should pray for salvation. Most of the time, the prayer is given in a structured form.

The zeal for staying saved and in sync with God tends to fade away. For this reason, much should be done. There should be regular prayer and reading the Bible. This helps you understand more of what you are involved in. Finding a church to constantly go to is also an important move. Telling others about your faith can be of great help.

No one should be forced into salvation. It is a personal choice. You ought to have full knowledge of what you could be getting yourself into. Some people describe it as the best decision they have ever made, while others simply do not care. To make a proper decision find out all you need to know. It is just part of the decisions of life-chose wisely.

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