vendredi 24 octobre 2014

Understanding Simple And Complicated Symbols In Poetry

By Patty Goff

If you are student of literature and you are having a hard time understanding the poems, plays, novels, and short stories that your professors are assigning to you, then you better read more because to understand them. It may take time but if you are willing enough to go deeper into the meanings behind the words, then you will unlock the beauty of it.

Literature represents the emotions, feelings, perception or views, and opinions of the writer. It gives you information indirectly and it is all up to you to unlock and connect the adjectives, verbs, and nouns together to form a particular language that the writer is trying to send a message to its readers. The depth of the language and the symbols in poetry are most of the time incomprehensible.

Every story and poem has something interesting to tell. Most of them highlight silence, war, death, defeat, success, grief, and love. They associate suffering and pain to uncertain events, cold, and dark side. Authors use their past memories to describe the happenings in a creative manner that will stimulate one's imagination.

Creative writers prefer symbolism because it can help in deepening the sense and import of every word they use. Literal words are kind of boring and predictable. Writers easily fall in love with observation because they can gather inspiration from it. It is pretty normal to feel dumb because you cannot comprehend the words right away.

There are books that you can buy in bookstores wherein you can study the meanings of symbolisms used by writers. You can also access websites over the internet which is dedicated to love of literature. If you can observe, the words allow you to imagine what the writer is thinking. But this is done indirectly outlined and this is really a challenge to most students.

If you wonder why writers love to insert symbolic words well it is easy. Writers desire to create visible images inside the minds of their readers and take out their emotions out of their system. It is very unique and effective to draw out unexpected reactions from different people. It is some kind of another form of artistry but in words.

Learning to write poems is possible if you know to apply the basics of symbolism. The fewer words you use, the better your work. Using several lines of descriptive words is boring and very predictable. Never rush in writing the content. Always stick to your motive and feelings. Find the time where you are inspired to write and find a place where you can be comfortable writing.

Good written poems have different interpretations depending on the reader's perspective. Only the author knows the correct interpretation. The words seemed to be opposite, disorganized, and obscured all the time. It makes it more magical.

Constant practice and reading will help in improving your skills. Literature classes are open to all. For young writers out there, better look for local schools that offer trainings. Symbolism is a hard subject but it is easy if you are guided with a good teacher. Remember that the harder the poems you read, the better you will appreciate literature.

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