samedi 18 octobre 2014

People Who Utilize Singing Telegrams California

By Dominique Martin

So many people enjoy music and they really love it whenever this art form becomes a gift. Many people will use singing telegrams California whenever they have to deliver a message to someone. These messages can sometimes contain good news or bad information.

There was a smart young lass residing in the San Francisco area many years ago. She had met her boyfriend while attending a film festival which was held in this particular city. At first this girl thought that the man was her ideal prince who could never do anything wrong. Unfortunately things changed really quickly and he became very obsessed with the woman in every way possible. He would not leave her alone for any moment in time. Things really got hectic once she found out that he was indeed stalking her.

Her best friend encouraged her to end things with the demented male. She did not want to come face to face with him and therefore hired a musical service to do her dirty work. He did not take things too well once this information was delivered. The singers all laughed at him when they had finished stating the dreaded message.

As the boyfriend sat in his office several young men sing him a song about getting lost. He got the message loud and clear and became very angry at his current girlfriend. He wanted to make sure that she would pay for this embarrassing situation and headed straight for her place of residence. The police were already waiting for him and they took him away in a squad car. This tragic lady is now a New Yorker who still admires the work that the musical service can provide.

A man who was well into his 60's decided to celebrate his love relationship with another male in an unusual fashion. He hired a group of singers to serenade his devoted lover of so many years. His companion was indeed touched by this act and could not control his emotions. The two of them are still living a wonderful life together.

One dreadful supervisor living in San Fernando Valley did not like any of his employees and he was always rude to them. He decided to fire everyone on his staff and did not have the courage to do this act in person. It was quite surprising when he hired this group of talented singers since he was always bold with many of his actions.

One day all of the workers were called into the conference room to hear some urgent news. Everyone thought that the news would be good but to their surprise several young people showed up at the doorway. They begin to sing a song that was entitled "You're Fired." At first everyone thought that this was some type of cruel joke but it was not.

Everyone within that room then received an envelope which had a slip of paper within it. Some of them ripped the paper up in anger while others simply put their head on the desk. In the end each of Harvey's workers were showed the doorway and the unemployment line.

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