dimanche 26 octobre 2014

Some Tips For Writing A Good Novel

By Patty Goff

Are you burning with passion to write a novel but do not know where to start? Well, you need not worry any more. We will look at a few tips for writing a good novel. The most important thing about coming up with a good novel is to have an interesting story line. What this means is that you must have an idea about what you want to write about before finally deciding to put it down in words.

Whether you are writing a work of fiction or factual one, you have to do adequate research. This may mean that you do some reading beforehand. You may also need to visit some of the places or characters you intend to include in your work. When you work is well researched, it gives credibility to the story easily wins the confidence of your audience.

Make sure that your story has a captivating plot. It should be something that your readers will remember and narrate to other people easily. When your events are chronologically linked the reader will be interested in trying to find out what follows next and will keep reading the book to the end. If you have several stories in your novel, there should be a general storyline.

Your reader should use all their senses. They should make use of their sense of smell, sight, touch, taste and hearing. This is the only way that they will feel that they are part of your story. To achieve this, you need to describe the characters and the events in your story as vividly as possible; be detailed but precise.

It is virtually impossible to discuss good writing without mentioning the use of humor. It is the funny things about stories that keep us interested in reading. It is even more interesting when the humor is applied in a witty manner such that we have to apply some intelligence to see the joke. Achieving this would require that you do some practice in the area.

Make your stories as emotional as possible. Humans are created in such a way that memories are often related to some form of emotion be it love, hatred or indifference. Let your readers experience these emotions as they read through your work. Creating an emotional suspense ensures that the readers keep remembering the story for many days even after they have read it.

Embrace peculiarities in your work to give a human element. In other words, if you are using human beings as characters in your story let a variety of attributes come out. Let your characters act both rationally and irrationally as we all do when faced with different situations. This is how you will get the readers to relate to your work.

A good writer is one that is unpredictable in their work. There is no point of reading a story whose outcome is expected. While many readers prefer stories in which good triumphs over evil, it should not be too obvious. Rather, let it appear as though evil is winning. You can introduce a few twists and turns in the story to make it difficult for the reader to know how things will turn out in the end.

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