lundi 20 octobre 2014

The Haunting Sounds Of Psalteries

By Patty Goff

A psaltery was an ancient musical instrument that appeared in different forms throughout history. The earliest psalteries were simple wooden boards with strings attached to pegs. Later versions had a hollow box with a sound hole and metal strings. Strings were either plucked or struck. The ancient psaltery mentioned in the Bible was one of these. The bowed psaltery came later and appears to have been introduced in the early to mid 20th century.

The bowed psaltery is still being played today. It is as easy to play as using one finger to sound out a melody on a piano. Songbooks are readily available enabling one to play songs by number. This makes it a good instrument for someone who plays by ear and does not read music.

People are delighted when they hear the kind of sounds they can produce. The notes appear to hang in the air and are hauntingly beautiful. The modern instrument is triangular in shape with strings running down both sides. The modern ones are completely chromatic with natural notes on the one side and sharps and flats on the other.

There have been continual improvements to these instruments over the years and those being constructed today are far superior to the earliest ones. They are built by craftsmen who have to combine a knowledge of woodwork, musical knowledge and artistic abilities. The instruments produced are not only durable and comfortable to play but are real works of art.

The type of wood used in construction of this instrument affects durability as well as the sounds produced. Some woods conduct sound better than others and this is why a lighter wood must be used for the top so as to better transfer the vibrations of strings. The body has to be strong enough to support the tension the strings exert and woods like walnut, birch, cherry and maple are used for this purpose.

The craftsman has to make sure that each string has exactly the right vibrating length. Too tight and the string breaks or too loose and the right sounds are not created. The placing of the hitch pins where each string begins is important. Tuning pins at the other end are used to loosen or tighten the strings.

The psaltery is played by running the bow in between the pins on the right and left sides of an instrument at the openings. Only one string is played at a time. The most common way to hold the instrument is with the tip away from the body. The left hand holds the instrument and the base is nestled against the abdomen or inside the elbow. The right hand holds the bow and does all the playing. There are various other positions so players have to find what is most comfortable for them.

A psaltery is usually sold together with a bow as well as other accessories like tuning wrenches. Music sheets, songbooks and playing instructions are often included as well. The cost of these instruments reflect the time, materials used and skills required to make them. However, there are few other instruments as easy to play that can produce such hauntingly beautiful sounds.

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