samedi 8 décembre 2012

Tips For Choosing Silver Speaker Cable

By Rosalind Landry

Entertainment makes for passing time enjoyable. Whatever your taste you can expect that you will have some real good time. It makes for perfect activity when you have guests over, enjoying movies and music that you consider fun. Many people install entertainment systems in their homes to maximize their viewing experience. The images will be a lot sharper and sound a lot crisper because of the developments in technology. To get the most out of your appliances you are going to need the best components, when you are looking for your silver speaker cable, make sure you get one that is made of great quality.

Speaker wires or zip cords are used in making electrical connection between the loudspeaker and the audio amplifier. They consist of electrical conductors which are insulated individually by plastic like PE, PVC or Teflon. The wires are electrically identical however they are marked so that the correct polarity of audio signal can be identified.

The wires are passive components that are described through their electrical impedance. It is the opposition that a circuit will present to electric current. Three properties of impedance determine performance. They are capacitance, resistance and inductance. An ideal speaker wire does not have any capacitance, resistance and inductance.

Resistance is an important specification of a zip cord. A shorter length of zip cord approaches the ideal because resistance is a function of length of conductors. Resistance has greatest effect on performance. Performance of conductors is optimized by limiting length. The farther audio signal has to travel down a wire, the more resistance and more power loss resulted.

Lower and thicker gauge cords will offer the least of resistance thus they will have the best capacity for carrying an audio signal in a great distance. Determining the length of the cord is important then. Greater runs will require for thicker gauge wires. This would lessen strain on the receiver. For 30 foot distances, use a 12 gauge wire, 14 gauge for 18 feet and 16 gauge for ten foot distance.

Neither thickness nor type of insulation do not carry any audible effect just as long as it is made of good quality and will not react chemically to the cord. Insulators that are made of poor quality will increase resistance in time because it accelerates oxidation of conductors. Make sure that ones you purchase has good material for the cord to last long.

You will need to identify the quality of cord that you want. When components you have purchased are of high quality, best that you use high quality cords. They would be much expensive but would be more resistant to interference, have best sound quality and would last longer.

Materials used in zip cords differ as well. Copper is the universal material used, it is less costly and has low resistance. Silver has lower resistivity allowing for thinner cords to carry the same resistance. They are more expensive too. Gold has the highest resistivity. It may be used to plate end terminators.

Picking out the best silver speaker cable lets you get great sound quality. You would be making the most of what you paid for. Good quality will require use of good money.

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