dimanche 2 décembre 2012

Key Events In The Liverpool Calendar

By Steven Harrison

Anyone in the world that knows a little bit about England must have heard of Manchester, London or Liverpool, the three most famous cities in the country. London is a vibrant business center, Manchester is among the great industrial cities of the world while Liverpool is known for several things, chief among them being culture. It is a vibrant, colorful and magnificent city that never sleeps and has many wonderful attractions. Check the Liverpool calendar for more information.

This city is home to arguably the largest rock bands of the twentieth century, the Beetles. So strong are its cultural roots that in 2008, it was one of two cities that were named as the European capitals of culture. Throughout the year, it hosts several exhibitions, music shows, theater shows and sporting events.

Among the most famous events it hosts is the Mathew street festival. Every year, thousands upon thousands of visitors and locals flock the streets listening to music from several bands playing either live or recorded. Usually in late summer, visitors listen to nearly eighty hours of music which end in a two day climax of great fun.

The other event that is highly popular is the Sound City Music and Cultural Festival. This event is held every year at the heart of the city. It is a platform upon which bands and artistic individuals can show their videos and display pictures in their galleries. It is quite popular among artists especially. Along with this event is the Biennial Art Festival, also very popular among artists.

The other thing that cannot be ignored about the city is its long and unparalleled sporting history. Best known for its soccer, there are several other sporting events that take place in the city as well. Chief among these is the Grand National horse racing event. This timid yet exciting sport draws visitors and locals from all walks of life. It is part of the DNA of the country and has enhanced the reputation of this city greatly.

Arguably with a larger following than horse racing is soccer. This is a sport that has an almost cult like following. On days when games are being played, everything else comes to a standstill. The two most famous teams that play in the city are Everton Football Club and Liverpool Football Club. Derby matches between these two are an affair anyone can look forward to for life. They are magnificent to watch.

Other sports that feature on the calendar include golf, marathons, rugby and tennis. There are many sportsmen born in the city that have gone on to dominate the world. This is synonymous with the rest of Northern England, known for producing sportsmen like David Beckham and Wayne Rooney.

If you want to gain access to the Liverpool calendar, look online. The city has an official website where you can check out all the events that will take place. In addition, there are several other sites that give detailed information about all these events. From culture to music, comedy to sport, everything is available for everyone in this magnificent city.

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