dimanche 16 décembre 2012

A Look At Water Color Artists

By Amber Winters

It was during the medieval period that a unique kind of painting emerged called watercolor. Works of art created by using opaque techniques with gold leaf sparked a whole new generation of individuals called water color artists.

A German artist named Albrecht Durer started producing this type of painting as large pieces. He also tried a technique that he featured in his body of work. These were called washes. These sections of color and varying degrees of water became lighter in value the more he added water

Some of the individuals, who have contributed in major way to this art form, are found in practically every country. Each one approaches it in a unique and dramatic way. This shows the versatility of the medium.

Visual artists choose this way of creating landscapes more often than any other. They could produce other paintings they had done much more quickly, and it was not hard to do. In fact, the general population sought out this kind of painting more often.

Some of the best landscape artists came out of this golden age of painting. One such artist is Claude Lorrain. Born around 1604 his work is herald as masterful. In fact he is referred to as being the master of the perfect landscape.

Richard Wasike is a Ugandan artist who makes his home in Nairobi, Kenya. He was born in 1963 on the Ugandan border of Kenya. At the age of five his father discovered he had a natural talent for art. He was encouraged by his father to create beautiful African landscapes.

His work captures the majestic Maasai people as is depicted in his painting of Three Maasai Moran and Maasai At Sunset. Each of these shows the beauty in the world on the Savanna. He has shown a skill to artfully capture this world.

A professor Emeritus, Cheng-Knee Chee has been called a master watercolor artist. He has been given this title by American art critics. He has mastered the skills that include the ancient Chinese dry brush technique. He created a process that is called the splash color process.

It is called splash color. He specializes in paintings of fish and birds. The painting simple called Koi shows a remarkable depth and an example of the saturate wet process. This method allows the artist to paint negative background first. The artist then can pull out any other shapes he wants.

The base for watercolors is water soluble. In the past the way they were made caused them to lose some of their brilliance over time. The pigments that held them together were not strong enough to keep the color. It was because of this issue that many people lost their desire for them.

Over the years this problem has been eliminated. The modern versions are more stable, and they are able to keep their brilliance throughout. In addition, they can produce a variety of very interesting finishes. This gives the modern day artist variation and limitless possibility.

There many more water color artists than can be described here. Every artist at some point has tried his or her hand at this forgiving and powerful medium. These artists are always finding new ways to express the world as it is seen from their perspective.

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