samedi 15 décembre 2012

How To Get Unique Pre-Wedding Photos With A Creative Photographer

By Don Wong

Wedding photography today has gone far beyond taking shots of traditional poses of the bride and the groom with formal smiles on their faces. The objective of every creative wedding photographer today especially those specializing in journalistic style, is to photograph the natural gestures, expressions of emotions, and the small nuances that sum up the couple's personalities. Before, wedding photographs would usually be compiled into a wedding album and kept in a box of memorabilia that you'd keep and look up from time to time. Now, wedding photography has been elevated as an art form, sometimes even worthy of a place in an art gallery.

When you look for wedding photography packages, you'll often find that a pre-nup or pre-wedding pictorial is part of it. Such an option gives you the chance to be creative and lets you choose themes and settings and use props and costumes as well. A wedding photographer is tasked to put all your ideas together in order to help you share your story as a couple bu using the camera as the medium.

Pre-wedding photographs can be elaborate or simple depending on the couple's preference. Size really should not matter. The most important thing for a Creative wedding photographer is to highlight the relationship and the couple's distinct personalities. Many interesting and unique pre-wedding photographs have become popular online because the subjects' unique and authentic personalities are captured well in the images. So, what can you do to have wedding photos as unique and interesting as these photos?

Thinking how you can make your own pre-nup pictures stand out and exciting? One sure thing to achieve this is to be who you are. Fun individuals can get inspiration from a particular pre-wedding photo shoot that had the couple spending the day with zombies. A talented pre-wedding photographer was able to capture a peaceful scene that had the couple enjoying a picnic until a brain-carving zombie came along to disrupt their idyll. This photo made it to news sites around the world and was lauded for its uniqueness and whimsy.

You can also go really creative with costumes, props and settings. If you are thinking of a gothic theme for your photo shoot, you might want to consider having it held in a mausoleum or in a cemetery. For couples who want happy, fun places or elegant backgrounds, parks, gardens, and beaches are also great options.

How well a pre-wedding pictorial goes will depend mostly on how well your wedding photographer uses the resources given. With just a few click of their camera, creative wedding photographers can easily capture images that show how you and your special someone love each other, and these photos can be enjoyed by everyone for years to come.

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