dimanche 17 novembre 2013

Tips On How To Choose The Most Suitable Calligraphy Artist

By Sonya Riley

When you are looking for a suitable calligrapher, you must ensure that you settle with someone who can provide high quality work. Remember that this is an art which is very diverse and excellent know-how is a necessity. However, you should look for a competent calligrapher so that you may get the value of your money. This article outlines some helpful tips for choosing the best calligraphy artist.

To begin with, you should be able to define your needs. It is good to know exactly what you need. If you want some drawings of human beings or wild animals, you must look for someone who has specialized in that. You should be able to tell the person exactly how you want the work to look like in order to get exactly what you are looking for. This will enable you to find someone with the expertise you want.

You must ensure that you have selected a fully trained person. Calligraphy can only be done by someone who is both talented and competent. Although one may be talented in drawing or producing faultless features, but he cannot be called a professional without proper training. Ask to see the qualification certificates they possess before you make up your mind.

Consider choosing a highly experienced calligrapher. Experience is usually gained over time. Someone who has been in this field for over 10 years is said to be highly experienced. This is because he or she has done a lot of calligraphic work and gained the necessary experience. Stay away from calligraphers who have just emerged recently.

Consider asking for a few references. Reliable calligraphic artists will actually be eager to give you as many references as possible. This is because they know their services are top notch. Ask for at least 3 names of people your potential calligrapher has worked for recently. Contact the references and make any necessary inquiries about the calligrapher in question.

Do not forget to check their portfolios. You want to see the kind of work they have been doing. For those who have studios, consider paying them a visit so as to see what is displayed there. Consider checking those samples they have to see whether the work is of the nature you want.

Choose someone who does high quality job. Most of these professionals do not always use free hands when creating their works. Some of them use computers to make drawings. In order to get quality work done, look for someone who uses free hand to create his work but not a computer.

Price should be the last thing to consider when choosing a calligraphy artist. Do not be attracted to the lowest price bids. This is because their work could be of inferior quality. Note that these professionals charge different prices. This depends on the amount of work you need done or their levels of expertise. In order to save money on this venture, take time and compare prices offered by different calligraphers.

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