mardi 12 février 2013

The Creativity Process

By Chili Akter

The emotions of music lovers and listeners are usually evoked by heart-touching music that are being creatively evolved from both vocal and music instruments.

Listeners have somehow felt attracted to the song or the sound of music irrespective of the familiarity to the language it is sung in.

Literature, poetry and prose are filled with incidents describing melodic voices of maidens or children singing in the fields, all by themselves and all to themselves yet have obliged any passerby to take a break just to enjoy the cords of what unexpectedly comes across.

Years ago, the mammoths of music organized live concerts for the music lover privately at their bungalows while, the common man enjoyed the music of roadside music players and meagerly tipped for his bread.

The shape of music listening changed over years from live concerts to purchasing music beats from online sources and many people are buying music beats from online.

Another remarkable change witnessed over the years is that no longer are the performers paid in pennies, and no longer does their art gain fame until after their souls depart from the world.

The virtual world can be a good place to showcase a musician's creation that can reach the audience immediately and the audience judge the creation by means of shares, likes and blog/forum postings that can help the creator to gain popularity via internet.

Based on the appreciation from audience, the art creator will receive the gains right away or maybe in near future. The websites and web pages that encourage people to buy beats is the latest technique of promoting art, rewarding the creator, and minting a little for the virtual shop owner.

To outline the periodical evolutionary reach of music from stages to home PC, the music was enjoyed in stage shows that was changed in to radio programs and then into audio tapes, CD-ROM which is now at reach by internet that helps us to purchase beats online from web sources.

The internet highly rewards the music lovers and musicians; abundant music titles are available in the internet for both free and for a price. .

It is thanks to the modern technology that today's youth and teenagers have an inclination towards songs, music and musical instrument, from an early age; the dreams of a young musician or even an underage musician are likely to come true.

Author Bio:

The article author is a music-lover and acquainted with online beat selling websites and this article aims to educate the readers about the periodical evolution of physical stage shows with limited listeners to virtual shows with infinite global audience who can buy the beats online.

About the Author:

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