mardi 5 février 2013

Isochronic Tones For Meditation

By Nihal van Dijkhuizen

The basic principle in the use of binaural beats concerns the human brain's ability to appropriate, process and sometimes merge source sounds into a single working sound. For example, if you were to take two different tone samples and feed those samples into each of your ears, you'd actually hear a combination of the two that would produce what amounts to a humming noise inside of the head.First discovered and later researched by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove in 1839, Binaural Beats, sometimes referred to as binaural tones, are apparent sounds created by the brain under certain conditions of stimulation. Much has been discovered in recent years particularly with regard to their use in human relaxation.
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Brain is the most delicate part of the body. It controls every single action we do. Our brain keeps working all through the day. But the brain state with the level of its frequencies keeps frequently changing. Delta, theta, Alpha and beta are the four frequency levels it operates at. Our brain is mostly in Alpha and Beta state, as we all keep thinking 24 hours a day. Brain changes its state only when it either stops or starts the process of thinking. We rarely enter delta and theta states. Our modern lifestyle has long forgotten being in relaxed meditative states at all.But there has recently been a great invention to deal with this chaos in our life. These frequency levels in the brain can be changed at will now. We can change our brain-state by using recorded sound waves. After listening to these sound waves our brain starts acting in different way. We can easily feel the relaxation and the meditative state inside our psyche. These sound waves are recorded in such a way as affects the brain in the fastest possible manner.

With the help of binaural beats we can experience noiseless brainwave beats. These beats are below the human audible range.Here is the history of Binaural Beats:Heinrich Wilhelm Dove invented binaural beats in 1839. He was the first person to discover them. A serious research got started in the following years. Ultimately Gerald Oster arrived at a conclusive judgement.He concluded some of his results in 1973. All of his research papers on binaural beats were published in Scientific American.Gerald wrote an article on "Auditory Beats in the Brain". He mentioned that binaural beats were a very powerful tool. It could provide a great help in neurological and cognitive research. Later on, physicist Thomas Campbell and Dennis Menerich with the help of Robert Monroe discovered many more things regarding this new technology. They bought lot of applications of binaural beats. They also developed software programs which could easily change the frequency levels in the brain.

There were made many more inventions in this field. Now, as of today, everyday a new tool is hitting the market facilitating ultimate relaxation and deep meditative states. All these tools have come with great new promises.Pure Binaural Beats Review Team on Working of Binaural Beats vis-a-vis Meditation Download for Brain Entrainment:

The Binauarl Beat market has many great manufacturer's of some neat products. It is possible to create your own with the proper software. However, an in-depth knowledge of brainwave patterns and their effect on the mind and body is advisable before ever trying to create your own. I have read several forum postings that state the use of binaural beat technologies has created negative and even damaging results on listeners. For that reason I believe it is safer to stick to the tried and tested pre-made recordings that are available for a reasonable fee. You can purchase separate binaural beat recordings to induce almost any emotional state or you can even enroll on a binaural beat program for self improvement that takes several years to complete.

Pure Binaural Beats Review Team on Working of Isochronic Tones vis-a-vis Meditation Download for Brain Entrainment:Isochronic tones are much more advanced than binaural beats and monaural Beats. Effects produced are very powerful. They use equal intensity tones in both ears. The waveform they use to perform their task is very clean. Headphones are not at all important. But if you use them, it provides better results.Pure Binaural Beats Review Team highly recommends Pure Binaural Beats for the purpose of meditation download for brain entrainment.There are many things that we want to improve in our life. Each of these purposes has its thoroughly developed software program here. Researches have shown that these software programs are very effective. They easily achieve the purpose for which they are programmed.For reasons of product protection, Pure Binaural Beats Review Team cannot publish the recordings of meditation download for brain entrainment as such.Pure Binaural Beats Review Team on Results of Meditation Download for Brain Entrainment:

As you listen to these sounds, you will start feeling heavier in the beginning. You will also face difficulty in moving your entire body. At that juncture, you will automatically try to attain the most relaxing posture in your body. You can 'see' various different colors in your mind's eye. You will totally be out of all your stresses.This process may take time as every person is different. But the end results are always the same.Pure Binaural Beats Review Team on Safety Factor in Meditation Download for Brain Entrainment:This software uses similar levels of frequencies that we experience daily. But if you are suffering from any brain problem or a heart problem, consulting a doctor beforehand would be the best option. You should not be doing any kind of work demanding alertness while listening to these beats.

By bringing the listener into this extremely deep state of meditation, binaural technology, can activate major positive changes in your emotional, mental and physical make-up. This can be a very profound and extremely life-changing experience. You will find past buried memories resurface as the beats direct your brain to restructure its neural network and raise your "comfort level" to a new high. After several listening session you find yourself less stressed out than before and your reaction to situations, that in the past would have sent you screaming round the halls, much more composed. The technology literally eliminates negative emotional, mental and physical patterns. The discomfort I spoke of earlier comes from the restructuring of your brain's neural network as old buried uncomfortable memories are triggered in the brain before the connecting emotional response is wiped away. You are still left with the memory of the event but you no longer have any emotional attachment to it. Don't worry, for some reason, it doesn't affect positive memories! It may be due to the natural state of the mind and body, for this system of mind/body is always seeking equilibrium and harmony, which tends to lead to feelings of joy and happiness.

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