mercredi 27 février 2013

Rent Dresses To Budget Conscious Ladies

By Elisabeth Lawson

In today's economic times, many brides are choosing to rent dresses for their big day. So, if you are an entrepreneurial minded fashion addict, then this is a good business opportunity for you. Alternatively, if you have been selling bridal gowns, then this can be a great addition to your business.

Hiring an outfit for a special occasion is an option that is gaining popularity. Brides who want to spend more money on other things such as the venue, food or entertainment are choosing this option. Parents are also not spending as much on theirs children's prom day.

Starting up this kind of business is similar to starting any clothing store. You'll need to find a location that is convenient and that has high traffic volumes. As you look for your space, consider the fact that you will need enough room for mirrors and changing rooms.

When you have a location, you should look into stocking up the stores. You should include clothing and accessories to provide a one stop shopping experience. Fashion is constantly changing, make sure you have up to date options for your customers to choose from. Remember, cheaper shouldn't necessarily mean poor quality.

A good marketing strategy will help the business grow. It's important that people in the community and industry know about your business. The best way to do this is to advertise in places that have similar themes to your business such as bridal magazines. Additionally, networking is important. Thus attending functions such as wedding fairs, will put you in touch with relevant industry vendors. Working with wedding planners, for example, will provide great referrals.

For business owners already in the industry, adding rental products as part of the business is great way you expand your business or at least help you keep you above the water. If you are already selling wedding gowns, you should ensure the local vendors know that you have included rentals to your line.

The bridal and wedding industry is a billion dollar industry. Consequently, it is extremely competitive. New owners should consider the local competitors and find a plan of action to differentiate themselves. It's that aspect that will make new customers come to them instead of the other stores.

A clean, helpful environment where people can rent dresses at reasonable prices will go a long way to improving their customer experience. New owners should remember that customers want good quality products but they also want to have a great overall experience. This is where creative thinking and research on part of the business owner comes in handy.

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