vendredi 17 avril 2015

How To Provide Radio News

By Joanna Walsh

Being an established personality over the radio is not something that you can do over night. You would have to know your routine like the back of your hand. Once you are done, then you would have to continue being your excellent self so that you can keep your job in a very long time.

The first thing that you would have to do is study your script the night before your work. Yes, Oromia news can be very straightforward but then, you would have to deliver it in a way that would make people listen to you. You would have to work on your authoritative voice as much as possible.

Second, your pronunciation will have to be almost perfect. Be reminded that people out there will always dwell on the wrong things that you are doing. If you will satisfy them, then your employers will have no reason to keep you around. So, continue persevering since you will certainly improve in time.

Third, you need to give your listeners the illusion that you are have been a professional for a very long time. This is not about being popular in the market. This is about gaining the trust of more and more people since this is the only way that you can get the ratings that your network is so crazy about.

You have to know the soundbytes that will be appropriate to what you are saying. Take note that the perfect timing can do something magical to your segment as well. So, play with the tracks when you are done with your work for the day. In that way, you will already have a steady flow when your segment comes on air.

If your director wants you to deliver a new piece, then ask for a few minutes to review the papers. Get a grip on what the announcement is all about so that you will not sound deadpan to the people who are listening to you. If the piece is something tragic, then that should reflect in your voice.

You need to find out which pacing will work for your audience. If you have busy people as audience, then you ought to be the kind of person that will not make them feel bored. Be a little bit energetic when you deliver your spiels. In that way, you can solidify your fan base.

You just have to show to the world who you really are. For example, if you are not in favor of what those terrorists are doing, then make a comment or two in the story that you are reading. This is the most effective for you to communicate with your audience.

Overall, never be afraid of making personal comments while on air. You will be surprised on how that can be refreshing for the people who have been with the program for several years now. Give them something new to keep their energetic juices flowing at any time of the day.

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