mardi 7 avril 2015

Having Better Violin Wrist Position

By Aimee Schwartz

If you are willing to do anything for your dream as a musician, then you must work hard in getting the perfect position of the wrists that you are using. Thus, gain insight from this article and you will be just fine. You will get better as each day goes by and that is the only thing that matters at this point.

First, you need to relax all of those muscles. Yes, you have to be on top of your violin wrist position but then, you have to let the music carry you away to. Play from your heart and forget about the people in front of you who are expecting you to be great. You are playing because you love it. Nothing more and nothing less.

Second, slide the bow with all the smoothness that you can manage. Again, you will have to prevent being stiff in here. If you will let your own tension get the most out of you, then that can easily be heard in the piece that you are playing. Your audience will start to question your skills.

Third, you will have to think of happy thoughts when you are playing. Take note that you are not allowed to be stressed by anything when you are in that stage. If you have been given with the task to play a sad song, then you must be stable enough not to let the mood of the music bring you back to your own personal problems.

If your fingers are starting to feel stiff, then stretch them one by one. However, never do this step with so much force since that will already lead you to play poorly. Thus, keep things in moderation and only do the stretching exercise when you need to. In that way, you will not be damaging your asset.

You would have to make sure that your thumb is in the right position. Since you are still a novice in the field, then it would be best for you to play in front of a mirror. In that way, you would be aware of how you look like in front of a lot of people. You can be sure that you would not be a fool.

If you can massage your fingers on your own, then that is great. However, make sure that you are making the right motions in here. So, watch some tutorial videos when you have nothing else to do. With that action, you will not be putting your time to waste. You will not even be endangering the most important part of your system right now.

If you have been playing one tempo all this time, then now is the perfect moment for you to get out of your comfort zone and shine. There is nothing for you to be afraid about. With the help of your mentor, you can be every bit of the violinist that you want to be. That is what you have to achieve.

Overall, be the greatest. Do this for all the people you love. Perform all of these things for yourself too.

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