samedi 11 avril 2015

Becoming A Great Portrait Painter

By Aimee Schwartz

Painting the face of a person whom you are not familiar with can be very hard indeed. This is the main reason why you have to pay attention to this article. With the help of this source, you can slowly become the painter that you have always wanted to be. That is the mission that you should have in here.

The first thing that you would have to do is practice. Face the fact that you would never become the best portrait painter in NYC in just one night. You would have to work on it everyday. You would also need someone to tell you about the things that you are doing wrong. That is how you can properly guided.

Second, you are suggested to have your family members as your first subjects. Since you seem them all the time, then it will be easier for you to make their portraits look just like them. You will be attentive to the slightest lines and that can lead you to have the best work that you have ever done in your life.

Third, you would have to vary the tools that you are using. Keep in mind that as an artist, you have to grow in a constant manner. If you would not experiment on the other aspects of the world that you have chosen, then you would never know the areas that you can excel in. So, never be afraid.

You have to let your family into the circle that you are in. Never forget that you are just starting out in the field. Thus, if you want to improve in a very fast rate, then you will have to make use of the people around you. In that way, you will not be hurt if they have something bad to say about your work.

You have to be with an expert who will be kind enough to criticize your work. Take note that you still have a little grasp of what is great and what is not. If the expert will tell you that your piece is already closer to perfection, then that can be your inspiration to keep reaching for the stars. All will be well.

You would need to constantly look for a new source of inspiration. Keep in mind that you cannot paint the same person over and over again. You have to put yourself out there and explore. If you would do that, then you would continue to marvel at the different flaws of a person and that would make you better.

You need to be less logical in here. Allow your feelings to govern where you will be going with your painting. If you will be technical, then this one will never be called a masterpiece by anyone who will see it.

Overall, just be who you are in New York, NY. If you find beauty in black and white portraits, then focus on that. If you would do that, then you would begin with the mark that you would leave in this world.

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