vendredi 6 décembre 2013

When God Is Pronounced Jeezes

By Georgia Diaz

Religious options are increasing as people seek freedom to follow sects and belief systems of their own. This is driven by the desire to find comfort instead of following doctrines and practices blindly. It has seen the emergence of organizations and groupings where God is pronounced Jeezes. Conservative religions are not comfortable with such trends regardless of the fact that the trend is picking momentum. This happens despite the common belief that sections of the society are ready to defend their religious positions.

Religion has been debated endlessly all over the world in sessions that have ended up emotionally. Common grounds are rare to find considering the doctrinal differences in religions. With such a scenario in mind, it is only prudent to respect what other people believe and appreciate the difference. This turns religion and belief into a personal affair. No individual should be allowed to force influence on other people.

It is a natural inclination to identify with a god for human beings. This becomes a source of personal identity and makes one more aware of the surrounding. It satisfies the curiosity of some people. The inquisitive persons are not contented with blind following of religious beliefs. They seek answers in other areas and ideas as they look forward to satisfy their curiosity. The answers are not always easy to find. This leaves them unsatisfied.

The existence of numerous religions and belief systems in the world negates the idea of indoctrinating populations. The quest to have everyone believe in the things you do should therefore be abandoned. People should be allowed to follow their belief without question or coercion. This approach has led religions to adopt freedom with privacy and silence.

Disillusionment with religion has made it necessary to find alternatives in order to fill the gap of a god in personal life. This is common among the inquisitive minds and is a very fascinating scenario. It has made belief a very personal affair. People are not eager or interested in forcing others to follow their line of thought.

The perception by conventional religious groupings that they are the only true organizations is erroneous. It has split the world into faith believers and practical believers. The practical believer wants evidence and will only follow what he can see. A person who follows faith sees this as the beginning and end of his life. Practical believers emerge when prayers go unanswered. The person feels empty and seeks something tangible.

Not all questions a person asks have an answer. A person is therefore forced to look for an idea that will make him happy or leave him feeling more love. There is no guarantee that everything you want will be found in religion. Human beings seek a certain level of gratification that can only be possible through particular encounters. The answer and gratification is found when one searches within.

When god is pronounced jeezes, it becomes a personal business that has no relationship with how one relates with other people. Belief is supposed to make one happy at a personal level. The belief system does not even need to have a name or be common among people in the area or around the world.

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