mercredi 18 décembre 2013

How To Choose An Illustrator Portland Maine

By Jeannie Chapman

Great illustrations can fire up the imagination. They can get younger children to engage with a story but equally they can help with making presentations more interesting and engaging for adults too! The best way to do this is to find the right illustrator Portland Maine that can do the right work for you.

There are a lot of different types of illustration. Some can be rich, vivid and detailed, ideal for presenting fantasy worlds or vivid depictions of alien worlds in a science fiction story. Others may prefer a more cartoon like style ideal for more comical stories. There is no right or wrong and ultimately what one person likes may be different from another.

Another way to narrow down the options is to do a bit of market research. At most points during a project you have to ask someone for feedback. Ask your potential reader what they imagine the cover would be. If a few people say a similar kind of image then the chances are this will be the best one to go for.

Therefore the tone of the picture needs to be considered. While a joke may help to make a point in a lighthearted way you may not necessarily want something that is too much like a newspaper strip. The best way to avoid this is with a clear brief that provides the information that an artist needs.

However a clear brief should not be one that is excessively dictatorial either. Ultimately you want an artist that not only does their work professionally but enjoys it too. Often the relationship with an illustrator can be as much a personal relationship as it is a professional one and you should try to work with them rather than giving them an order in a heavy handed way.

When looking for an artist it is best to check their website. Look at whether the style is appropriate to your needs. They should also provide clear commission details so you know how much you will be charged for their work. Some may charge for redoing work so it is best to ask about this first if they do not make this clear.

A formal agreement is also advisable both as protection for you and the artist. They need to understand what you want and you have to set them a deadline they can focus on. The details can then be agreed. Often people pay 50 per cent upfront and 50 per cent on completion as this is often the fairest way of getting the right work and showing respect to the artist.

The best way to find an illustrator Portland Maine is to look online. There are a lot of professional associations and websites where you can find a wide array of artistic talent. It is also advisable to get feedback from previous clients as this will help you find the most reliable illustrators to get you the best quality work!

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