samedi 21 décembre 2013

An Overview Of Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Surgery

By Eugenia Dickerson

Endoscopic carpal tunnel surgery provides patients with more efficient means to alleviate the discomfort and the painful effects that are caused by Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. The damage impacts the regular function of the nerve that is located in the wrist and extends into the hand. Symptoms are described as numbness, tingling, pain, and the possibility of weakness that makes it difficult to engage in normal actions.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is also referred to as CTS and is a common condition that results from repetitive stress injuries and damage to the median nerve located in the wrist. Patients will describe a wide range of symptoms from tingling and numbness to weakened states making it impossible to lift and hold regular objects. The adverse effects will become worse over a period of time and requires the appropriate intervention.

Your surgeon will require a medical history and the completion of a physical assessment in order to identify the severity of symptoms. The X-ray imaging can aid in providing clarity on the injury and aid in the detection of the damage. Measures will include tenderness and range of movement allowing the professional to advise on the appropriate steps forward.

Once the exam has been performed, a test referred to as the Electromyogram and Nerve Conduction Velocity will be applied to detect nerve pressure, sensitivity, and the source for numb sensations. In cases of mild injuries, the practitioner will advise on the wearing of a brace for a specified period of time and non-steroidal therapy to manage symptoms. If conventional measures fail, it will be addressed with the application of endoscopic surgery.

The surgical procedure aims to release a tightened ligament that has developed over the median nerve to aid in the alleviation of symptoms. The reason the nerve becomes compressed is because of carpal ligament tightening. The endoscopic device will be placed under the transverse carpal ligament where a smaller camera aims to identify the small ligament and make an incision in the wrist to minimize scarring.

It is important that such measures are overseen by a professional and experienced surgeon due to the highly technical nature of the intervention. The procedure will be performed over 30 minutes and under general anesthesia. Depending on patient needs, the surgery may also be performed under regional anesthesia where the arm to be operated on will simply be made numb.

The outpatient surgery will allow the patient to engage in lighter motions that minimize the possibility of additional damage. The practitioner will advise on the steps for recovery and the overall healing processes that need to take place for normal function. One should rest the arm for a period of 6 months that will allow for all tissues to recover.

If traditional methods for recovery do not prove effective in alleviating pain and facilitating recovery, endoscopic carpal tunnel surgery may be required to achieve a fully functional and pain free hand. An experienced surgeon who is skilled in such intervention should be consulted to determine the extent of the injury. CTS should be evaluated by a professional to ensure that discomfort is addressed and relieved.

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