mardi 11 novembre 2014

Choosing The Best Chemotherapy Headwear

By Christa Jarvis

One of the worst side effects of cancer treatment is hair loss. Many women feel a lack of confidence as a result of this and become more isolated as they do not want to leave their homes and subject themselves to being stared at by passersby. Fortunately, there is such a wide range of chemotherapy headwear available today that this is no longer necessary.

Comfort is an important factor when choosing such items. A bald head is particularly sensitive to any roughness and that is why the fabric used needs to feel as smooth and gentle as possible. Natural fabrics are a good choice as they can breathe, allowing for good circulation.

The fit of these items is vital as they usually need to be worn for long periods. Some people are uncomfortable with any item that fits too closely and they should avoid an item with elastic, rather opting for a slightly looser fit. However, a fit that is too loose can be just as irritating. Another consideration is that the item has to provide proper coverage of the hair line.

The range of designs available, from simple to fairly elaborate, is very large. There are those suited to every possible occasion from more casual ones like walking the dog to more formal events like going out for dinner. One can even purchase a sleeping hat for keeping the head warm at night.

One basic item that can be worn with many different outfits is extremely useful. However, the fact that these items are so reasonably priced means that many women purchase a whole range of items suited to different occasions. They have the option of picking out one that suits what they are wearing and the activity perfectly. This can take away a whole lot of unnecessary stress in an already very stressful time.

When selecting colors, it is important to consider the colors already in a wardrobe. A person with a lot of black clothing will find a black item most suitable whereas someone who prefers pastels will probably need to go for a light color such as a light blue or pink. Avoiding really bright colors like a cherry red or canary yellow may be necessary for someone whose face appears washed out from the treatment.

It is very easy to add a personal touch to such items with a pretty broach, pin or colorful twisted scarf. An overlay tie too, is a simple way to add some volume and can be chosen to co-ordinate with the clothes being worn. Many people have a few scarves they do not wear lying around and these can be borrowed to help personalize a hat or turban.

All these options available offer these women a way of boosting their confidence when dealing with hair loss. Suppliers are offering items that are affordable, fashionable and comfortable too. A number of them have been through loss of loved ones from cancer themselves and make donations to cancer research from their profits.

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