vendredi 14 novembre 2014

A Brief Background On Actress Fabiola Sicily

By Christa Jarvis

Omission is known actually one of the more popular films of the year 2011 and was made even more exciting by the presence of the beautiful character named Sarah. Sarah was played by one of the rising actresses known as Miss Fabiola Sicily. Miss Sicily is known to be one of the most talented actresses for her age. To know more about her, read on to have an idea of how she got started.

Now miss Sicily was actually born and raised in Indonesia. She is of both European and Indonesian descent as her dad is a European and her mom is a native Indonesian. She already discovered that she loved acting and singing at a very young age and actually participated in a lot of plays when she was in her grade school and high school.

It was only after she finished her high school that she really began to take her acting career to a whole new level. When she finished her high school education, she moved to California in order to search for better opportunities. It was there that she found herself an agency that could manage her and help her make it big in the acting world.

Now she first starred in a biographical movie known as Brando Unauthorized. Although her role was actually not a big one, it was her practice ground for professional acting and her springboard to stardom. It was because of this movie that she gained the experience to go forward.

Now one of the turning points in her career was her role in the Disney movie Prom. Now since this was a Disney movie, she was able to gain a lot of public exposure because of her role as the girl named Jessica. Because of this movie, many people were beginning to take notice of her.

Now there was an upcoming director who went by the name of Justin Bellow who first took notice of her and wanted her to star in his movie. Now this movie was known as Omission and the role that she was offered was a character named Sarah. It was actually because of this movie that her acting career really skyrocketed.

Eventually she landed a role in Everybody Wants Theirs. Now she only starred in three episodes of this series but these three episodes made a big impact to her acting career. It was because of this that she got even better roles than she got before.

Now she is not only a very talented actress but she is also a very talented singer and dancer as well which is why she is featured in a few music videos. Because of her great shape and her exotic beauty, she was even featured in some magazines as well. One upcoming movie that she would be starring in would be known as Blackhat. This is definitely one action film that should not be missed, especially if one is a fan of miss Sicily.

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