mercredi 12 juin 2013

Hiding Your Error With Tattoo Cover Up Makeup

By Liliana Mills

It is hard to imagine any bride not wanting to look her very best as she proceeds down the aisle toward her intended. Yet some brides have to hope that they will be the center of attention at this poignant time and not the inked design that covers half of their arm. There are those that have to hope that application of tattoo cover up makeup will do its job sufficiently.

There is a more permanent way to get rid of ink designs but laser removal is expensive and requires more than one treatment in the majority of cases. Even then, some remnants of design will remain. After all, a tattoo is meant to be for life. The days of wishing you had listened to your parents are long gone. You have the skin markings to remind you of how foolish your decision was.

Fortunately, a person has at their disposal other ways to hide the ink that was injected into the skin. It is not permanent but it is much less expensive than laser and will get you through your wedding day. Perfecting the art takes time so allow plenty of it to practice using body makeup to diminish or hopefully hide that ridiculous tattoo that was gotten when you were making foolish decisions.

The first thing you need to do is match your skin color as closely as possible. If you don't, your attempt at hiding the design will look as bad as the design itself. There are many shades available but it may require mixing some to get the color you need. Always allow enough drying time to see if the product changes color going from wet to dry.

Be sure the area you wish to hide is clean and all hair has been removed. Yes, if you even have peach fuzz over your tattoo, it has to be removed. Just another little reminder of how sorry you are that you got the thing in the first place.

When first applying the makeup make use of a good foundation brush. If the skin has been prepped properly it should apply without difficulty. The cover up should go past the edges of the design. Once this step is applied, using fingertips, blend the makeup throughout the area paying close attention to feathering and blending the very edges.

If the colors used in your design were light you may get away with one application but it is doubtful. Most often two applications are used and in extreme cases it takes three. Forget using one heavy coat. It won't work and the result will be hideous. Allow each coat to dry completely before adding the next and top it off with setting powder or a barrier spray.

With your tattoo cover up makeup in place you can proceed with donning your wedding gown. When properly applied, this body makeup should stay in place for a good number of hours. When in doubt, opt for a professional to do the service for you but be prepared to pay for it. Tattoo covering does not come cheaply but it is a small price to pay to keep Buddha from showing up in your wedding photo's.

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