vendredi 28 septembre 2012

The World Of Arts As Seen Through The Eyes Of Barb Vogel

By Patrice McCoy

Columbus town has produced a prominent lady whose name has been on the lips of people. Her name is Barb Vogel. She has been talented in the work of arts since a decade or so ago. She studied visual arts and photography to the maximum and eventually graduated with a Bachelors degree in arts from the Ohio state University.

Barb has won various awards in her career for being an outstanding performer in painting, visual arts and photography. She is known for her unique taste of art. For instance, she is considered synonymous with the out-of-focus type of portraits. She was the first artist to come up with this idea. This explains the immense sense of creativity with which she works. She sure sets standards.

In the year 2009, the artist was awarded the best artist in the state of Ohio following a number of exceptional exhibitions which she had staged during the same year. Additionally, she was awarded the best artist by the Ohio State University following her skill and outstanding creativity. In September this year the Ohio arts council recognized her qualities and awarded her residency at the Vermont studio.

There were several exhibitions that were held in Ohio University and among the winners was Barb who performed excellently. That was back in the year 2009. She had lots of displays that year. She turned `out to be the best in the state for her outstanding creativity. During the same year, the council of Ohio arts acknowledged her good qualities and again she was awarded a residency in the Vermont studio.

Barb, who is also known as Barbara Vogel, interacts with people from all walks of life. She is social and sociable. As a way of reaching more people and improving her social life, the artist has fully updated profiles on the major social sites such as twitter and Face Book. For those people that do not know Vogel and wish to know more about her, they can always find her profile on such sites and through search engines such as Google.

The social networks like face book and twitter have helped the artist gain some sort of social standing. She possesses lots of rich experiences and she now advertises her accomplishments online. The people, who are interested in her art, go ahead and purchase them through the internet. She possesses a talent many admire and she uses it in a good way.

Correct information is provided on the website of Vogel where people can access full information about her and even know her private life. The new technology has improved the way people live nowadays. She could not have been known to such extent but with the internet, she is going global.

The works of art and pieces of photography done by Barb Vogel can be accessed through her online galleries. Experts in the field of creative arts have described her works as being high above average. In various interviews, Vogel has said that she has very many plans for the future and that she is ready to move along any direction that the field arts is heading. She says that change is an integral part of life and that whatever is not receptive to change is doomed to extinction. That is her policy.

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