dimanche 16 septembre 2012

The History of Blues

By Alfredo Menezi

How well do you know the history behind the blues music? Maybe you've been playing the blues for quite some time now, but do you have any idea how this music originated? Blues music has become increasingly popular over the years and that is no surprise to many people or musicians who are big fans of the music.

This style of music can be said to have originated around the end of the 19th century during the slave times. Though at that time, it was not exactly a form of music, slowly it transformed itself into what we know today as the blues. Here are some of the things that you should know about it:

Around 1880, some slaves from West Africa were brought into the south of the U.S for work. Those slaves, while working for their owners in the plantation fields or on the railroads, would frequently sing out loud rituals or other work-songs.

In the songs that they would perform, the slaves would relate about most of the things that they did or encountered in their everyday life, things like poverty, drinking, sex or their hard labor work. Singing gave them the courage to carry on their hard chores every single day.

The "Dallas Blues" by Hart Wand was the first known publication of blues music around the year 1912, and then came the "The Memphis Blues" by W.C. Handy a year later. A great number of talented musical artists has embraced the blues and made it become world famous over the years that followed.

Every time somebody asks me to name some of the few great blues artists of all time, I always think of Robert Johnson, Mamie Smith or Charlie Patton, their contribution to the blues music has been tremendous. Also, do you know the different kinds of blues music that exist? Maybe you've heard of the Delta Blues, the Jump as well as the Chicago Blues.

Blues music is one of the best music genres that exist and once you fall in love with it, there are no way back! Like I've said before, its' popularity has been on a constant rise for the past few years now and this is of no surprise to the millions of blues fans around the world.

If you happen to be a blues guitarist or you are interested in learning blues music very quickly, then I might have some very important information that I'm sure you will find very useful and helpful at the same time. So keep reading and find out how you could become a master blues guitarist in no time!

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