lundi 10 juin 2019

Finding A Harriet Tubman Performer That Will Truly Move You

By Brenda Scott

This is something that might be a fun idea if you are going to be in the area of Auburn, New York, where this amazing historical figure was born, or else along any of the other historic sites that made up the Underground Railroad. It is always nice to go somewhere unique when you are on a trip, and this way, you can see something that is truly meaningful. When you are in these historic locations, it is always nice to see a Harriet tubman performer.

Performers like these definitely have to have a lot of experience in order to do this kind of a job right. You might think that it would be easy to get up on a stage or stand around in a historic town and spout out facts and imitate the mannerisms of a person from history, but there is so much to it that can go wrong. The most experienced of actresses are able to make this look easy, which is why you will definitely want to go with a seasoned veteran to play such an important part.

An actress playing this part will have such a better time with it if she just does a bit of research. The more you learn about the history, the more meaningful this kind of performance will become. That is the way that so many actresses playing this part have brought audience members to tears because of really knowing the historic weight of what she is saying.

With a role like this, you will want to make sure not to be stingy on props or wardrobe. If there are any obvious things missing or things that do not belong to the right decade, people are going to be disappointed. All you have to do I make sure to do a bit of shopping beforehand to get period-appropriate props and attire.

It is always so much more fun to learn about history when you have it played out in front of you. Having young people understand the terrible realities of slavery in the United States is important now more than ever. In order to have this information sink in and truly have meaning, it is nice to see it acted out.

There are all kinds of different performance types you can find in this genre. Sometimes, the historic figure will be worked into a stage performance, which uses scenes to portray her life. Other times, it is more interactive, where people are able to ask her questions and see her in action, which is definitely more demanding for the actress.

If you are going to be performing a part like this, it is always so important to make sure you have memorized your scripted lines if you have any. Straying from the script can not only distract from the performance, but it can also convey a false impression of history. Getting your facts straight is definitely a must.

Staying hydrated is one thing that anyone would recommend to a person playing this part. Depending on how it is played, it can end up being very physical. Not to mention when you are in a heavy costume in the hot sun, things can get sweaty very quickly.

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