lundi 29 janvier 2018

The Importance Of Film And Television Script Clearance

By Jeffrey Price

When writing a screenplay, biography, book of other project, it is important to adhere to all laws with regards to copyright infringement. While most often these laws are related to writing, it should be noted that names of businesses, characters, locations, scenes and subject matter need also be unique. In order to assure this is the case, it is important to obtain film and television script clearance.

Whether working on a script or screenplay, the coordinator prepares the first draft, handling any clearance issues. When clearing a script, it needs to pass all copyright issues. As part of the process, the coordinator must work with legal staff to clear all characters, locations and subject matter whether by a physical review or software designed to catch these and other legal issues.

Most often, it is the job of a coordinator to assure there are no legal issues. For, this individual oversees the production of each draft. In the process, this individual makes notations then returns the draft back to the producers and writers for review. As such, the coordinator also acts as a liaison between writing and production staff.

In addition to overseeing legal issues and copyright laws, the coordinator also provides assistance with editing. In most cases, this assistance includes assuring that formatting, spelling, grammar and punctuation are accurate and according to guidelines. Whereas, once the script has been released, the production team offers advice by making notations with regards to improving the project. After which, the complete and final script is provided to producers who then begin production on an episode or scene.

As a project moves from this stage to finalization, there can often be several times a script or screenplay must pass through this process. As such, those looking work as coordinators, producers, writers or actors need to have a great deal of patience. In addition, while most often the producers have the final say with regards to revisions, there are times when the cast or crew may request revisions to dialogue, location, scene or subject matter.

When filming on location, revisions often need to be made as quickly as possible. As such, it is important that when this is the case, cast and crew work in unison with writers and producers on set. Otherwise, the project could experience delays and scheduling issues. Delays can often cause projects to go over budget, which at times can be extremely costly. Whereas, scheduling issues can often force the cancellation of a project.

Whatever the case, whether filming in studio or on location, it is important that a script be reviewed and cleared after each and every change to avoid legal issues. For, changes can often lead to a major issue and legal battles when this is not the case. As such, to avoid these issues, or having a film or show put on hold, it is important that clearance be the last step in the process prior to production.

Writers often have less knowledge in relation to character names, businesses, locations and subject matter of other projects than producers. As such, it is often up to these individuals to assure that a script is in compliance with copyright laws and legal issues. At the same time, it can often be crystal clear when a writer has committed libel with regards to a production based on real people. In either case, by allowing the legal team to have the final say, the responsibility for any of these issues moves into the hands of the legal team or studio rather than that of the writers or production team.

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