mardi 30 janvier 2018

Lifestyle And Talents Of An Indie Artist

By Edward Harris

When it comes to arts and entertainment, there are several categories. Whether a visual, mixed-media artist or painter, musician or poet, most often an individual working in any of these genres is often considered an indie artist. That is, if the individual is in control of the activity which one is promoting at any given time. For, independent artists often provide calendar listings, hang posters and promote art on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.

While some individuals can now find instant stardom on shows such as The Voice and American Idol or on video sites such as YouTube, the experience rarely results in a long running career. Whereas, independent artists whom put a great deal of time and effort into honing a craft are often artists for life. As such, many independent artists are often more successful than others.

Most independent artists are individuals whom can focus on a project from beginning through completion. In doing so, these individuals can often move forward and become well known artists over time. While this is the case, it should be noted that independent artists create, produce and promote whatever art form one is working in at the moment.

In most cases, these individuals will set goals which once achieved are celebrated, such as an art opening at a gallery, playing a concert or performing as a feature at a bookstore or festival. For, most live on a day to day basis while creating whatever art form is of the most interest. As with all artists, these individuals often make a living with art projects, art shows, concerts, readings and piece work.

Most people consider these individuals to be artists. While this is the case, most are also practitioners. For, it can often take years to practice and hone a special craft, whether that be art, music, poetry, sculpting or writing. If it were not for the company and support of like minded individuals throughout life, many of these artists would be less than successful.

In all cases, independent artists practice whatever art form one is involved with on a daily basis. Asked or otherwise, these individuals often appreciate feedback. Whether feedback from fellow artists, or professional critics, most find the information useful in improving work so that future art openings or performances are more enjoyable.

When it comes to visual artists such as painters and photographers, there are often free classes which one can attend online or at local community centers. While musicians, poets and writers can often grow as artists by performing at a number of community based open mics, or by booking gigs at clubs in the area. Whereas, those interested in sculpture or glass work can often find classes and workshops listed in local magazines, entertainment guides, newspapers and online.

Independent artists are self-confident, self-dedicated and self-sufficient. For, a true independent artist finds ways to succeed without the help of others. The term independent in and of itself relates to completing a project with the education, talents, tools and materials with which one has on hand. After which, the artist then shares the finished product with those whom are interested in the work.

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