lundi 8 janvier 2018

A Beginner's Guide To Making Stained Glass Windows New Jersey

By Douglas Schmidt

If you have always been entranced by the colorful windows in churches and older homes you may be thinking about adding similar pieces to your own home or place of business. Unfortunately stained glass windows New Jersey can cost quite a bit of money because of the materials and the crafting time that goes into making even a small window. One way to get around the cost is to make your own. If you would like to start your first piece, here are some tips and tricks that may come in handy.

Regardless of how the designs differ the manufacturing process is always the same. A craftsman will take sheets of colored glass and cut them into smaller sections. They are then wrapped with foil and set into a pattern. Once this has been finalized, the pieces are soldered together. Older windows often had thick lines of lead running between the sections although now less toxic materials are being used more and more.

If you are just starting out, you might find it easier if you start with a more simple pattern. Many people start by designing and making pieces that have a geometric feel to them. Larger pieces of glass can be easier to wrap and to solder. It may be less frustrating and you may be happier with your final product if you start out with a design that is less complicated.

Collecting the right tools is important. Working with this kind of delicate material requires some special tools and materials that you may not have laying around your home. You will needs tools that can cut the larger sheets into the shapes you need and which can sand or smooth the edges so that you don't hurt yourself. You will need special tape that wraps around the edges of each piece. Solder, flux and a soldering iron will fix the pattern pieces into place permanently.

If you are not sure where to find completed pieces you may want to find stores that specialize in stained glass. You can get the names of local artisans who may have completed pieces and may also be able to find patterns and materials if you decide to make your own piece instead. The people working there can give you valuable suggestions about which glass will work best for your project.

While you might want to start designing your own windows or other stained glass items it can be easier to start working from a pattern. As you learn basic skills you can then start working on more complex projects. A good pattern book will be clear, easy to understand and easy to transfer from book to materials.

Start out by working on patterns that have larger pieces, straighter edges and fewer sections. Practice transferring patterns to the surface of the glass in such a way that they will not shift or move while you are trying to trace or cut around them. Get used to cutting gentle curves until you learn how to make rounded edges without breaking or cracking the sheet underneath.

You may be frustrated by the length of time that it takes to complete a single piece especially if you have a complex pattern or are working on a large window. While it may take time to finish, once you see how beautiful your window looks you will consider your labor to be time well spent.

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