mardi 28 mars 2017

The Importance Of Stories About Overcoming Cancer

By John McDonald

We all hope that cancer never strikes us. However, every year millions of people confront this in one way or another. The internet has become a community bulletin board for those who need help to get through it. Online stories about overcoming cancer can be informative and comforting. Posted resources may help people find local support, but many also find the virtual experience valuable.

Testimonies vary from triumphant accounts of remission and recovery to journals from those left behind after a loved one succumbed to the disease. Some of the latter are unforgettable, since the courage it takes to battle serious illness is as great as that of any heroic soldier or explorer. All the things we fear in life may be compressed into a year or more of pain and uncertainty. The quality of a life and character are not measured in length but in depth.

There are also many triumphant reports of remission and recovery. Doctors and family members say that having the desire to get better is very important, and hearing about survivors can motivate those who hope to regain their health. Knowing that recovery is possible can also make present suffering bearable.

Faith healing is well documented. There are many things doctors cannot explain in the annals of medicine. The Bible is full of healing episodes preformed by God (remember Hezikiah who was granted more years of life after falling sick and receiving word that he would die; he turned to God, who pitied his distress.) and during the earthly ministry of Jesus. The disciples of Jesus also healed many in His name. Elders of the church are instructed to lay hands on the sick and 'they will recover'.

Part of the fascination people feel for television evangelists is based on tales of divine intervention. For those who believe, this is something promised and hoped for. All can use the daily support of prayer and expectation. Anything that helps get through the next day, or the next hour, is a good thing at times. It is a fact, too, that people with strong prayer support do better during treatment and recovery.

Survivors and those who have lost a loved one join in walks to raise awareness and money for research for a final cure for cancer. Thousands support this effort by participating or sponsoring someone who will walk, by wearing pink, by donating to the cause, and by putting pink bows on their cars. Magazines and online posts offer healthy lifestyle tips and recipes. There are support groups for caregivers and those who are grieving.

Many stories can be found on the sites of treatment centers. These are like customer reviews and can be informative and helpful. There are many decisions to be made and people should do research before making them. It's also helpful to know what happens during treatment and therapy. Families and caregivers can feel better equipped if they know what to expect.

Reading or listening to the accounts of people who have gone through this before can be a source of hope and strength. It's important to know that good can come out of even what may look like an insurmountable hurdle.

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