mercredi 15 mars 2017

Everything You Need To Know About Geometric Artwork

By Robert Walker

Islamic decorations mainly involve geometric patterns. However, they have no figurative images. People commenced using the patterns many centuries ago. Within the designs, repeated squares and circles are combined. Sometimes they are interlaced and also overlapped to ensure intended results are accomplished. Geometric artwork is common in Islamic architecture and art. It is mainly made on stained glass, ceramics, kilim carpets, woodwork and metalwork.

Figurative images are not allowed in this kind of an art to ensure people do worship them. Most of the patterns used originated from Sasanian, Greek and Roman. Islamic decorations comprise arabesque, calligraphy and geometric pattern. One of the commonly visible patterns is 8-pointed star. It has two squares. There is also the presence of polygons such as pentagons and octagons. Various patterns and shapes arise especially if are combined as expected. Drawing is usually done with the help of compass and a ruler.

Plates and bowls associated with Islamic religion are mainly decorated both in the interior and the exterior with the help of radial stripes. Such structures tend to represent either the flower petals or the stylized leaves. Circular bands run around the jug and the bowl. Nowadays, many designers are using styles, shapes and patterns for purposes such as vector art and logo designs.

According to Islamic religion, Islamic art is sacred. It is usually made purposely for religious and spiritual devotion and expression. The art is not intended to express or tell personal story or message of an artist. It expresses the teachings of Islam through calligraphy and also miniature painting. Most importantly, it helps greatly in one way or another in the worship.

There are so many patterns that artists make. Although they are many and different, they tend to have some similarity. All of them have the same idea regarding structure, harmony and symmetry. Artists are required to follow certain rules while making the patterns otherwise they cannot be recognized as a kind of Islamic art.

It is important to understand that geometry plays an important role within the art. It acts as either the guideline or the foundation. For the case of calligraphy letters are made following geometric measurements that are strict. The reality is that the art has the inner and also the outer meaning within it. Every number of shapes used during the drawing is well thought of and has a particular meaning.

In case, you are a member of Muslim community it is important for you to comprehend the meaning of the patterns. You also need to know why they are used. Islam artists prefer using natural materials to the modern ones when performing their activities. They believe the natural ones are generally pure. They use natural pigments and not the readymade ones. Readymade have many chemicals that are unnatural and fade after a short period.

New York is a home of many Islamic artists. They are required by the religion to educate and inspire people around them. They have the responsibility of using their skills to let other individuals understand important Islamic traditions like respecting and loving Islamic art. They should use their skills to show the beauty of their religion.

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