samedi 23 juillet 2016

What Defines Good Abstract Artists

By Brenda Miller

Most of us know that one person, who doodles and draws on any clean surface. Sometimes, what they draw might be easy to understand like a landscape or a plant, but other times, it might be a series of lines or dots, which are confusing to look at. If they fall into the latter category, they can hone their skills and join the league of exceptional abstract artists. However, apart from the ability to draw well, they still need other additional qualities.

When you are beginning you can decide to wing it, and learn as you go. However, it is advisable to get some lessons to allow you to learn the basics. At this point, your work may not be at its best, and therefore you might need another source of income as you polish up on your skills.

People tend to assume that people who deal with abstract art are scatter brained, but after you look at a number of their pieces you will notice some consistency. In order to be named as one of the good ones, you have to maintain this consistency. This way, your audience can understand what you were trying to say.

In order to create original pieces, you need to tap into your creative side. This might sometimes require drawing inspiration from other sources, but ensure you do not duplicate the work of someone else. Continuous practice will help you identify a style that is uniquely yours, and that will help your audiences easily identify your work.

Abstract paintings, generally, have many layers to them. In order to do this and not mess up the result, you need to be very good at manipulating your mediums. Most experts advise choosing one set of materials and then fine tuning your skills, using them. However, you are not prohibited from mixing them up every once in a while. This will make it easier to create the layers, and have different textures.

When you think of this a business, you might view other artists as competition. However, you should socialize with them frequently. This way, you will know what is happening in the Los Angeles, California art scene, and it will also allow you to see what other people are doing. Every good artist has a mentor who they look up to, and a benefactor who supports their cause. Networking will be a good way to get these people.

If you are planning to make painting your sole source of income, then you have to be very careful about how you charge for your services. The materials you use, the time you spend, and even your skill set all need to be considered, when you are setting your prices. The charges will also be different if you are planning to use an agent to do the sales and marketing for you.

The world of art has both the critics and the people who will forever appreciate what you do. You need to learn how to take in the negative remarks, and sometimes even learn from them. This tolerance and humility might not come easily to everyone, but you will need to acquire it in order to survive in this sector.

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