mercredi 20 juillet 2016

How Artists And Illustrators Are Valuable In The Production Of Animation Films

By Timothy Olson

Art work and illustrations have been developed by man for centuries through the use of various tools or equipment to narrate and showcase their work. As centuries have gone by, art work and illustrations have been accepted due to their unique nature. Both types of professionally perform similar tasks as they involve the principle art of drawing but are distinguished on the basis of material that the professionals are using . This article focuses on explaining the importance of artists and illustrators in production of art work.

On the output level, art work is mostly portrayed on canvas material while drawing based illustrations are portrayed visual media through presentations, magazines or comic books. The use of illustration basically involves creation, demonstration as well as practice of their original work. This is the main difference between the two forms of professionals.

Illustrations as well as art are significant when producing animated films. First of all, artists provide a platform for the creation of characters that depict the subject matter of a narrative. This involves creating various aspects of a fictional character such as size, gender or specific body features such as shape of nose, mouth or eyes. Meanwhile, illustrators use the drawn characters in sync with a logical story to make it much easier for the audience to comprehend.

Artists as well as Illustrators are crucial in the production of animation films. For instance, artists provide a base on which characters are created as well as developing a scene for the animation film. On the other hand, illustrations basically entail the determination of a variety of emotions that add life to the characters. These emotions are mostly felt or seen during the production phase of the animation film. Emotions such as despair, happiness or anger are captured as they give a vivid description of what these characters go through.

Furthermore, illustrations provide a basis for the creation of various voices or sounds that are projected by the characters . For instance, certain male characters have deeper voices to emphasize their dominance while female characters have softer voices to reveal their softer side as females. Alternatively, illustrators are responsible for determining the dramatic sounds that accompany various scenes within the film. A jovial scene requires a jovial tune to enhance the jovial mood being experienced. A sad scene requires a sad tune to reveal a sad mood being experienced by a certain character.

An artist also has a responsibility of capturing every detail concerning a character, however minute it may be. For instance, the artist should capture details such as type of object that the character carries. This is to ensure that each character is distinguished and unique from the rest.

During the production phase of an animation film, the illustrator is supposed to notify the director on the movement of the characters as this is directly related to the original illustration. If characters are to walk in sequence, they should do so. If they are to run, they should run.

Art work and illustrations play a significant role as described from the above excerpt. They provide a basis for the creation of animation films from the original characters. Their inputs as well as opinions are vital to the success of any animation film. As such, their input should be incorporated when producing the film to ensure it does not become a failure.

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