lundi 15 juin 2015

What You Need To Know When Commissioning A Portrait Painter In NYC

By April Briggs

One of the best ways to capture your image or the image of someone you love is through having a portrait done. Since this is a rich form of art, you have to make sure that it is done right in order to capture the essence of the subject. This will require that you hire the right person in order to get the job done right. Here are some tips you can use when hiring a portrait painter in NYC.

Find an artist in city New York, NY who has the necessary experience. One of the ways to assess this is to request for samples of previous work they have done before. This will give you an idea on the quality of work they can deliver. If you are consulting the artist on a face to face basis, you can request them to do a simple drawing of you or whoever the subject is on the spot. From the sketch, you can be able to judge the skill of the artist.

Hiring a trained artist is a good idea. This is because a trained artist has learned to refine their skill, enabling them to produce high quality work. The highest level of academic qualification an artist can have in this field is a Masters degree. A trained artist will be more competent and more professional in their dealings with you.

Consider how much you will have to pay for the work of art. Different artists charge different prices. The price charged depends upon many factors, such as the type of drawing, the size and whether the work will be framed or unframed. Consider other costs that may come up, such as the cost of shipping or delivering the finished product to you. You may also need to cover the travelling costs of the artist if they have to come to your house or office to do the drawing.

Know what the business process of the artist you are working with is, from the initial consultation to getting the finalized product. Keep in touch with the artist throughout the whole process and readily avail yourself if they need your input. This will help to prevent unnecessary delays to the work.

It is important that you know the length of time it will take the artist to finalize the project. Agree on a reasonable time frame with the artist. Depending on the magnitude and complexity of the project, it may be several months before the work is entirely finished therefore, you have to be patient.

The more information you supply the artist with, the better. This is because it will help them make a more informed decision on how to fashion the work. Tell the artist where you intend to hang the portrait and whether you prefer something more formal or informal. You can also let them know what your personal preferences and tastes are.

Decide what the subject of the work will be, whether it will be a single individual or many people. Also decide the details that will be included in the work, such as the background and setting. Ask the artist how many sittings the subject will be required to have.

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