mercredi 24 juin 2015

Creating Your Own Mommy Fashion

By Bernadette Martin

Mom type fashion has become the center of attention for many, so much so that many blogs have been dedicated to the topic. The term is used to refer to the apparel, accessories, shoes, makeup, hair and jewelry styles used by mothers. There are many different mommy fashion ideas that fall in this category and the one that a woman chooses is dependent on her vision of herself and her family and the image she wishes to portray.

There is no doubt that motherhood comes with many changes. A woman who walks the path of motherhood starts to change the moment the journey starts. Her dreams and goals are adjusted and the way she sees life also changes. It is easy to see therefore, how her fashion may also change.

Moms lead busy lives. This is why so many of them are so very appreciative of fashionable items that allow them to get ready quickly and effortlessly. One well known and popularly use item for this reason is a scarf. Stylish moms are known for using beautiful scarves to effortlessly and speedily turn a bad hair day into a classy look.

The dawn of motherhood does not have to mean the departure of fun. Mom styles can pop with vibrant colors and sassy styles. Bright colors such as yellows, blues and greens, when chosen in the right hue to match skin tone as well as eye and hair color, can make a mom look splendid even if she is simply taking a stroll with the kids.

Mom hair can be just as fashionable as mom clothing. Moms can jazz up simple dos with beautiful accessories for an effortless hairstyle. This may mean accessorizing a bun with decorative flowers or hair jewelry. The bun is a popular mom hairstyle but it can be converted into something more elaborate for an evening out, especially if this evening follows a busy day. This may mean converting it into a chignon or a fedora or even using a simple headband to enhance the look.

Other accessories such as handbags are great for making mom look and feel fabulous. Moms can trade in the over-sized mom bag for a simpler classy one when they go out in the evenings especially if the children are not tagging along this time. The bag selected should match the dress being worn or otherwise accentuate it.

Moms' hands and feet work more than many of the other parts of her body. They therefore deserve to be pampered. The ideal way to do this is to take a trip to the spa or salon. There are quick fixes however as many at home manicure kits are available, allowing mom the opportunity to pamper herself for a few minutes while the children are sleeping or at school. Nail polish no longer needs to take ages as instant nail polish is available in strips that are simply attached to the finger and toe nails.

Moms deserve to look and feel good. They also want to ensure that they keep their focus on taking care of their families. Fashionable items that are also convenient to use help them to look the way they want to without much hassle.

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