dimanche 14 juin 2015

How To Get Custom Oil Portraits In NYC

By April Briggs

Oil paintings are of great beauty due to the luxurious medium. Photos can be redone in custom oil portraits in NYC as a lasting memory of any occasion. Most any kind of likeness can be captured. Simply find a suitable subject, including yourself, and have the artist do a rendition. You can also have your beloved pet immortalized forever more. There is no end to the artistic pleasure derived. The whole family might want a group portrait for a special occasion or just to capture them forever at a moment in time. Oils have many uses including a wonderful gift.

It is most economical to work with a professional company, one that is known for quality work. Some photographic studios offer the service of converting photos into paintings. However, you want it to be original and not a formula approach. You want a freehand rendition that shows style and talent. A line production method is not desirable unless you are on a tight budget. What you do want is something personal and unique.

A blank canvas is the jumping off point for the artist. It is prepared and ready to take the sketch that will define the final image. Some artist project a photo. This will not do as the results are too uniform and plastic in appearance.

You want your own unique masterpiece and you should get it. Select an artist with a good eye for detail to make sure the likeness is real. Fine facial features are paramount as are quality materials.

Some companies will offer different styles of portraits. Realism is meant for the portrait to look similar to the actual photography. It will look how the image does in real life and it will show full detail. Impressionism is a different style. It aims to capture the emotion and impression of the photo. It is less about detail, but more about the mood. It has a more painterly style.

Most artists work independently, that is, not for a company. You work directly to describe your desired portrait. Approaching any artist who uses oils is possible; most want to do good commissioned work. It just comes down to price.

You can observe past and present work in the process of evaluating each potential artist. Bring your photo or allow them to take it. This way you can be sure of the inspiration. You can pose live if you have the time. Whatever happens, you want quality work on a timely basis.

In the long run you want to be happy with your commissioned portrait whether from an individual artist or a company. Companies, after all, hire talented artists. Custom work will be your top priority and you should communicate this desire at the outset of the experience. Imagine the kind of work you want hanging in your home for years to come and select accordingly. An oil portrait is a wonderful gift for yourself or others.

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