jeudi 5 mars 2015

Can Vinyl Wrapping Help The Upcoming Ghostbusters Film?

By Paula Hess

There are few people who can deny the importance of Ghostbusters to the science fiction genre. It's easily one of the most respected, not only for its comedic value but the sheer imagination that has been put into the series for so long. For this reason, as well as others, I believe that there is quite a bit of attention drawn to the latest Ghostbusters movie that was announced. Can vinyl wrapping prove to be useful for this film's long-term success?

There are many reasons why this third Ghostbusters movie drew attention, amongst them being the all-female cast. I did not feel like this was a tremendous selling point, though the fact that the four main actresses were involved in Saturday Night Live certainly helped matters. Of course, with any remake, there will be detractors and very few can argue with this point. However, I'm of the opinion that a movie of this magnitude requires time in order to see if the movie will hold up.

If you ask me, the Ghostbusters series worked so well because of the realism injected into it. The main heroes are not the model protagonists but rather working men, as they are tasked with helping individuals who can best be described as, "clients." A theme such as this will most likely be carried over into the latest movie. Of course, it'll have to be modified so that it's more modern. Advertising is crucial, though, and I believe that there are many ways to go about this.

As far as extensive marketing endeavors are concerned, I believe that there is discussion to be made about vinyl wrapping. The main reason for this - and I am sure that many others can agree - is because of how much attention vehicles can attract. However, in order for these particular wraps to be made well, it's understandable that the iconic Ghostbusters logo will have a presence. Along with visuals of the main cast, these are just a few ways to ensure the quality of these wraps.

It seems like the response to this movie, even before its released, has been mixed at best. However, I am willing to give it a chance because it's part of the Ghostbusters series. The series in question has always brought the laughs and I think that it's important for this third movie to be given an equal amount of treatment. Even if this film does not trump the previous installments, I have to believe that it will possess value that no one can overlook.

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