vendredi 20 mars 2015

A Guide On How To Do Fashion Style Drawing

By Lena Stephenson

Now if one is going to be a fashion designer, then he has to take note of how to draw a figure because figures in this field are drawn differently as compared to contemporary art. Now for those who would want to enter into this field, here are some tips on how to do fashion style drawing. Sketching figures is entirely different and also a little bit more complex.

Now one very important thing to take note about drawing these specific types of figures is that everything about them is exaggerated. For one, the shadows of the clothes as well as the folds are highly exaggerated in order for the clothes to be more highlight. Also, the body parts and the poses of the models are also very exaggerated too.

Now the very first thing that one should do would be to make an outline of a figure that he would want to make. For beginners, it is recommended that they would just trace the silhouette of a model from a magazine using tracing paper. Basically, the things that he will be needing for this step would be some tracing paper, a pencil, and a ruler.

After that, one must make a puppet figure out of the model that he has traced. Basically, he will do this by creating an outline in the shape of a wooden puppet with squares, rectangles, and circles. This is done so that one will have a guideline that he can stick to later on when he would start drawing the clothes and the models.

Now after the creation of a puppet outline, then the next step would be to fill it in with the body parts and clothes. Now in order to do this, first use a pen to start drawing the details of the figure by using the outline as a guide to sketching. Now when one would draw in this way, he has to exaggerate the body parts a little bit by making the arms longer, the legs longer, and of course the head smaller.

Once that is done, one now has to draw the clothes on the model with the exaggerated folds and shadows. After one has already done that, then all he has to do would be to get a black pen to redraw the figure while darkening all the important parts that need to be highlighted. From there, he may then erase all of the pencil marks that were made a while ago.

Another thing that one has to do is to always exaggerate all proportions. Maybe give the model sassy hairstyles or some accessories that are not usually seen. Of course the poses have to be exaggerated as well like when one would look at a model from the runway.

So for all the aspiring designers out there, do take note of all these very important tips. Now one thing to take note of is that creativity is extremely important in this field. He has to create his own styles and his own concept using his pencil and some paper.

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