lundi 9 mars 2015

Synthetics And Hair Pieces For Alopecia

By Leslie Ball

Baldness can be a choice or a condition. The condition of losing volumes of strands of hair is called Alopecia Areata. Research show that the person who has it has defective immune systems that attack the follicles. The follicles make hair growth possible and without it, baldness of the scalp occurs.

Both men and women can have this condition. Health experts do not have the exact reasons and explanations why the immune system attacks the follicles, but they do know that there are certain remedies for this. Hair pieces for Alopecia are already available. These are made into stylish wigs and extensions to make the person look better.

At the beginning, this occurs when a bundle of hair falls off and will leave an entirely bald scalp. At times, it grows back again on one side but then the other sides of the scalp may go bald. There are others who may never get to grow their crowning glory again. Hence, they become totally bald.

Family history, abnormal nail texture and skin color, and a previous autoimmune disease can be the direct causes of Alopecia. There are times when some grow back on one side and then falls off on another. This can be really frustrating and it happens to both men and women.

The crowning glory makes everyone feel handsome or beautiful. They even go to salons to change their styles, have some haircut, or get some curls. Those who are not strong emotionally could need some counseling. The hardest part of the condition is acceptance.

If a patient gets to see a doctor to complain about too much loss, he or she may be surprised to get the diagnosis. The doctor can determine if the patient is suffering from this by asking if he or she has a family history of this. Other ways is through physical examination. There are blood tests and analysis procedures that will be done as well because the person could be suffering a far worse condition than Alopecia.

Synthetics, wigs, and artificial hairpieces can help the person look better and possibly feel better. There are a lot of commercially available wigs that look real and stylish. There are also some products that may help in growing back some hair. The patient can try all these but with the cosmetic products that can be bought over the counter, they have to consult their doctor first.

They can even consult experts to help them create a better image of themselves. They can give tips on how to style. If the patient is not a fan or wigs and synthetics, he or she can be fashionable with nice hats. But this may not be applicable indoors.

This condition may take away the crowning glory of a person but they must not allow their self confidence to be taken away as well. If their hair falls off and never grows back ever again, there is nothing they can do about it because there is no known cure for this condition by far. What they need to do most importantly is to continue living their lives to the fullest.

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