mardi 10 février 2015

Fun Card Games For Families

By Beryl Dalton

If you would like to spend more time with your loved ones and do something fun, then there are better ways to do that instead of sitting in front of a TV screen together. The world we live in today is so fast-paced that it is difficult to do things altogether that we really enjoy. The following card games for families will ensure that you can spend time and connect as well as have a few laughs.

Go Fish is a classic game with cards that everyone is sure to enjoy. It is best played with three to six players. If there are less than four players, each player is dealt seven cards. However, for more than four players, each player gets five cards.

Place the rest of the cards into the 'pond' pile. If you or any other player doesn't get the card they need when it's their turn, this is the pile they have to draw from during the game. Everyone gets a chance to ask someone else for a specific card. If they have it, then they must hand it over. If they don't, then they tell the person asking, 'Go Fish!' and they must go in the pile. Whoever ends up with the most sets of four when the pile is done wins.

Concentration is another classic card game that is also known as Memory or even Pairs. All of the cards in the deck are laid face down on the table. Each player takes it in turn to turn over two cards in order to make a pair.

If they get a pair, then they get to keep it and they get another turn. If they don't, they must return the two cards back to their original position and the next person plays. Whoever has the most pairs is the winner.

A game for a much bigger group of people is UNO. There are lots of cards in this special deck, which isn't like a regular pack. The UNO deck features cards with different numbers, colors and symbols which allow for different game strategies. Everyone gets 7 cards and the remainder are put in a pile, with a starter card facing up to begin the game.

The first player puts one of the cards from his or her hand on top of the starter card to correspond with its color or its number. Then it's the next player's turn. If someone does not have anything to place down, they can take something from the pile. Alternatively, they can use of the cards with a special symbol to change the flow of the game, or even change the color that is currently playing. The game gets easier after a few tries and it is also a game of strategy in order to win.

These kinds of games are just a few of many that can help the family spend quality time together. It is also a great way to show the children of today how much there is to be had without remote controls, keyboards or joysticks. They are also perfect to play on long trips or when the lights go out and it's necessary to pass the time away!

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