lundi 16 février 2015

6 Important Tips On How To Hold A Violin Properly

By Beryl Dalton

We all have different passions. Some find it on the expression of art like dancing and painting. Others are more onto the beauty of composition using words such as the of writing or blogging. Regardless of the inclination that you have, acting on it and looking for opportunities where you can improve your skills and share what you have to other people is important.

Those who have a passion for music are likely to love the idea of learning how to play musical instruments as well. If they do, then they can create their very own compositions. The question of how to hold a violin properly is something that is often heard from those who are interested in learning how to play the instrument. If you are among those people, then here are some tips that you can use once you start your lessons.

Posture is a primary concern. Regardless of what instrument, there is a certain posture that you need to follow. Doing so will make it easier for you to play and will prevent the discomfort that you will feel especially if it is your first time playing it. You can play the violin either by sitting down or standing up. Whatever your position, you need to be sure that you have your back straight and your feet flat on the ground.

Right positioning of the instrument has to be followed. This is where you place the broader side of the violin on your collarbone and support the other side with your left hand. This is vital in order to strike a balance when holding it.

Third, follow the right angling of head and chin. This is the method by which you secure the position of the instrument. You will observe later on as you start playing that you have the tendency to move the instrument along with your body. To ensure that it remains in place, your head and chin needs to be situated in a position that allows it to remain in place.

Proper hand positioning. Next, you need to make sure that your hands are positioned right. Strings of the instrument need to be parallel to the ground. If your hands are positioned right, you will not have so much of a hard time striking different notes once you start to play.

Balance your fingers and wrist. They are connected to each other and must therefore move in synchrony. This is a real challenge given that you need to observe flexibility on your wrist and strength on your finger. The more you practice, the easier this balance becomes. The next thing you know, it comes in naturally.

Practice. The reason why people do not really learn in the end is their lack of consistency. Deciding to study violin should be coupled with commitment for you to see some results. Also, practicing does not only happen within a day or two, weeks or a month. You will have to learn a lot of things and you can practice as many times as you want. Those who are really great on their craft are those who does it everyday.

It is not easy to learn how to play an instrument. This is especially true if it is your first time holding it. You need to devote time and effort to be able to play it with ease. But as long as you have the passion, you can always find time.

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