lundi 17 mars 2014

What Is The Monuments Men Movie About

By Jaclyn Hurley

The Monuments Men movie is set during World War Two. It has an all star cast headed by George Clooney. Clooney also directed the film and co wrote and produced it with Grant Heslov. It it certainly not the typical war production that focuses on action, guns and battles. Instead this thoughtful story tackles a topic that is hugely important but gets very little publicity.

Set in 1943, at the height of the second world war, the story is based on historical facts. All the names have been changed but the viewer is still watching the lives of real people as they lived and died in a quest to track down some of the greatest works of art in history.

During the Nazi occupation of many European countries many officers began to take art treasures. This included priceless paintings, sculptures and much more. By 1943 it was widely known that on Hitler's orders massive number of valuable treasures had been taken. Some were heading for the Fuhrer's own collection, others to his planned museum in Linz and others to the private collections of his officers including the head of the Luftwaffe Hermann Goering.

The allies realized the looting was taking place early on and began to form a team to find the missing works. By 1943 they knew that the race was on to find and return as many of the treasures as possible before they disappeared or destroyed for ever. The Russian army was also trying to grab as much treasure as possible as they advanced further into Europe.

As it became increasingly clear that the allies were winning and ultimately Germany would be defeated the need to find the treasures became ever more intense. To add to the pressure Hitler had issued what is known as the Nero decree. This stated that on his death or the fall of the Reich, all art treasures in German possession were to be destroyed. Knowing this the allied teams were working against the clock.

Theater goes will be happy to see a host of familiar faces. In addition to the hugely popular Clooney, Matt Damon, Cate Blanchett and Bill Murray also star as American officers involved in the rescue efforts. Hugh Bonneville of Downton Abbey fame is excellent as the British member of the team.

Among the popular faces are George Clooney, who also directed the film. This really was a labor of love for him as he also co wrote and produced it in partnership with Grant Heslov. It was made by the ever popular Columbia Pictures and 20th Century Fox studios and released on February 7 after premiering at the Berlin Film Festival.

The screen play was developed from Robert M. Edsel's excellent book that told the true story of the real treasure hunters during the war. It is the perfect opportunity for viewers to learn about one of the forgotten aspects of war. It also does a good job of showing the fate of many Jewish people at the hands of the brutal Nazi regime.

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