jeudi 20 mars 2014

An Introduction To The Power Of Art

By Jaclyn Hurley

People can be cynical about art. However there is a lot of great artwork out there in the world. Whether it is a hand crafted sculpture or a watercolour there are many ways in which a work of art can have an effect on people. In short it is worth knowing the power of art and how it can affect us in a number of ways.

The fact is that what people describe as art can be very diverse. There are of course the classic masters such as Van Gogh or Renaissance painters such as Michelangelo. These are the pieces that are famous around the world. Some may sell for millions while others are iconic and because of where they are based it is impossible to put a price on them.

The power often comes from the message within the art. In the case of Michelangelo a lot of his works have been associated with religious fervour as shown with the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel or an iconic representation of form such as his stature of David. The Sistine Chapel is something that is difficult to convey if you do not see in person because the way it has been painted has an almost three dimensional quality that is not easy to show in prints or in image searches on the internet.

In some cases the power of a work of art can come from its impact on popular culture. For example images from comic books have become symbols in and of themselves. A person can wear the image of a superhero on their T shirt without necessarily being a fan of that comic book.

The reaction of a person to a work of art can be different to another. With performance pieces and modern art there tends to be more ambiguity. Therefore the message one person takes from a piece may be different from another. For example while one person may see a violent image another may see something as a representation of the psyche of the artist.

Another way in which art can be powerful is in how it can change lives. It is often a way for people who would ordinarily have trouble expressing themselves finding ways to communicate their feelings through the artwork. It is often used as a method of therapy especially when people may be shy and resistant to more orthodox methods of therapy.

Of course the individual reaction to a piece can vary. A powerful reaction can equally be one of anger. However this is positive as a mixture of reactions is what creates debate and is what makes the nature of art and the discussion of artwork so fascinating.

Ultimately the best way to engage in the debate about what type of art is powerful is to see as much as you can. You do not necessarily have to go to the Louvre or the Sistine Chapel. There are numerous exhibitions and pieces available all over the world. Use your regular search engine for more information and about artists and exhibitions in your local area.

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