lundi 10 mars 2014

Strategies For Writing Crime Thriller Novels And More

By Leticia Jensen

Beginning a writing project is both exciting and scary. It is thrilling to see the ideas that have been floating around in your head begin to take shape. Whether you are a writer of poetry, crime thriller novels, young adult paranormal romances, or some other genre, you will relate to the feeling of seeing a project start to become what you envision for it. Here are a few tips for getting started and staying motivated throughout the course of writing.

1. Discover your own writing process. Some people write best first thing in the morning, while others do their best work before going to bed. Some people need to outline the entire plot of a novel before starting to write, while other start with one scene or a couple of characters and just let it unfold. Figure out the techniques that help you thrive.

2. Find someone who can mentor you. Any new writer can benefit from the guidance of an experiences writer, especially one who has been published. If this person writes in a similar genre to yours, even better. Ask for his or her opinions on your work, as well as listening to general advice.

3. Save all of the work you do. You may find that as you write, you start to hate certain parts of what you've written. You may remove them from the next draft, and be tempted to delete them so that they vanish forever. It is better, however, to save them somewhere. You never know whether you might be able to use them in a different context, or if you might change your mind.

4. Step away and take a break when you need to. Sometimes you need a few days of working on something else, or a break from writing altogether. The break may even last for a couple of weeks or more. This is alright, as it can allow you to see your work with new eyes when you return.

5. Run your drafts past more than one person. You should definitely have your mentor look at your drafts, but you should have other people read them, too. It helps to get several different perspectives on the work, and to listen to the suggestions of various people. This will give you a better sense of how you can appeal to a wide audience.

6. Choose your publishing method and develop a marketing strategy. While some authors still go the traditional route of submitting samples and query letters to publishing companies, more and more people are taking advantage of self-publishing tools. These are available for both print and electronic formats. When you self-publish, you have to handle your own marketing and your own costs, but you also get to keep all of the profits.

Try to build on and draw from the momentum you establish at the beginning of your writing project. You may not maintain the same energy level throughout the whole thing, but you can use these strategies, such as talking with others or stepping away for a few days, to get your energy back. Keep at it until you have reached your goal of finishing.

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