samedi 29 juin 2013

The Benefits Of Turbans For Chemo Patients

By Freda Watts

Turbans have been worn throughout the ages for both practical and religious reasons. Now they have become fashion forward items too, even being worn by celebrities and models for special events. Turbans for chemo patients are a perfect solution for covering up hair loss as they are not only practical but fashionable too.

Hair loss is devastating for any woman and can affect self image dramatically. This may lead to increasing isolation as the person finds it difficult to leave their home, feeling that people are staring at them. Wearing a chic turban can help to deal with this and many women find that they are actually complimented on their appearance when wearing these items. This increases their self confidence and allows them to go about their lives with their heads held high.

These products are amazingly versatile and come in many different colors, textures and designs. In fact there are items suitable for casual living, professional dress, sports activities or evenings out. For example, a black velvet turban with some sparkle is great for evening wear while a patterned fabric in soft pastels may be worn with a lovely vintage dress. Beautiful solid colors like teal, ivory, aqua and plum and just about every other color imaginable are available for matching with every day wear.

Comfort is of primary importance to those who have lost their hair through chemotherapy. The scalp is often sensitive and so fabrics need to be as soft as possible. A turban is a wonderful solution as it fits the head securely and covers the scalp completely. Although it fits securely it does not put too much pressure on the scalp causing discomfort and sweating.

The fabrics used for making these items are soft cottons, knits and velour that all feel good on the skin without any scratching or roughness. A terry cloth turban offers a luxurious feel like the softest of towels. Some of the cooler fabrics used feel just as comfortable as a beloved t-shirt. Fleecy fabrics are available for colder weather.

These items are practical but they are on trend and fashion forward too. The best suppliers constantly update their ranges to reflect current trends and styles. A turban can even be dressed up for special occasions with braided headbands and pins for a personalized touch. There are also those with loops that allow the wearer to add a contrasting scarf which can be changed to achieve different looks and styles.

A friend or family member undergoing chemotherapy is probably experiencing some of the darkest days of their lives. Losing hair and getting chemotherapy is unpleasant no matter how you look at it. Receiving a gift of a turban provides them with a way of feeling better about themselves.

Turbans for chemo patients can make a real difference, helping them to look and feel their best under difficult circumstances. In order to choose a reputable supplier, it is a good idea to read reviews written by customers. It is possible to find items that are not only fashionable and good quality but affordable too. Wearing a stylish turban provides a practical solution to help any woman get through this difficult time.

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