vendredi 7 juin 2013

How To Use Designer Totes In A Professional Environment

By Lora Jones

Designer totes for female professionals are more than just another accessory. They are a versatile item that not only allows women to carry needed items, but also allows them to do it with professionalism. Other types of totes are bold and flashy, which doesn't bode well in formal setting, but the right tote will hardly be noticed at all.

A professional looking bag is the perfect choice for any job interview. Presentation of one's self is vital, which means well put together attire can be a disaster if the wrong kind of bag is used as an accessory. The first impression can make the difference between you getting the job or someone else. That first impression is usually one of the major factors an interview will consider when doing any hiring. If you look like you threw on the first thing you found that morning, they will remember that too.

Small and simple, but elegant are key for formal interviews. A small bag will allow basic grooming items, a phone, some cash and a set of keys to be carried without being bulky. A small bag is much easier to rest unnoticed on one's lap, unlike large bulky totes. Larger bags tend to temp people into stuffing them to full of things they likely don't need as well.

Stick with simple colors while in formal use as well. Black and different shades of brown are classic choices and are easily paired with many different outfits. Other colors are possible choices, but they need to match the outfit being worn. When they aren't matching they can give a tacky appearance. Never choose bold and bright colors in a formal situation. Never choose bold and bright outfits for formal situations either.

Sturdy support structure is another vital feature for a professional tote. Some basic cloth and leather bags will scrunch and slouch, which looks really sloppy. That sloppy look can create a bad first impression. Before a bag is purchased, evaluate the inside to see if it is reinforced well enough to not slouch.

Once the job interview is over and hiring is done, the same professional presentation should be maintained. Each day at work clean and appropriate attire, with a professional looking tote, should be worn. Doing one's job correctly and efficiently is important, but so is appearance in the work place. Showing up to work in dirty and wrinkled clothing is never acceptable.

A professional looking tote packed with essential grooming items while working is useful for remaining presentable. Before an important meeting, the bag can be taken into the bathroom and the items used to freshen one's appearance. Some possible items inside might include a hair brush and a few makeup items or anything else that might be needed.

Designer totes are easily incorporated into a business wardrobe for all female professionals. A professional appearance should be kept at all times, right down to the bag being carried. The wrong type of tote can be an eye sore if it doesn't match the clothing being worn. Keeping things small but classy are the best way to maintain professionalism.

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