mercredi 12 juin 2013

The Arts Effect On Society

By Margarita Joseph

Arts effect on society is a certain adoption of a practice could lead to changes in the functioning of the entire members of the society. There are certain professionals who have led to that development by participating in those activities that bring the change. People can readily accept a process or completely neglect it depending on how beneficial it is to them.

Individuals are sensitive to those things that hurt them or seem to be lowering their self esteem. They can develop defensive actions in order to prevent others from hurting and humiliating them. The way people can handle certain difficulties in case they occur determines their capabilities and also their professionalism that could be used to solve crisis and other situations that may occur.

For instance, taking the concept of drawing which has helped in defining the society by showing their way of life. The various artists have bee able to demonstrate various ways where the individuals that are in the picture are doing certain activities that are done in the communities like the collection of food and firewood. Some icons are also drawn who have participated in their lives or have had some recognition.

Artists who are in the music industry have a big role to play such that the viewers or listeners can promote their course. They have to write good music that can be listened by all despite the age and gender. This is where some fail since they create the music that is based on specific audience hence leading to propagandas that can lead to the artist getting imprisoned.

Sports are also a branch in the process and range depending on the requirement. They help someone become physically fit and get to learn tactics which are useful. Also they give one a source of income hence being able to have the life they always admired and also give the ones they love a good future.

Improved levels of technology have made the dreams of people become possible. They ease the method by providing an easy and quite affordable makes that is embraced by many due to the efficiency. This shows the country and world is growing at a rapid rate since a new invention or product spreads with no time.

Governments of various countries have enabled it to be adopted by many people by showing the positive side and trying to curb the negative ones. This is the best way to make the system get into the community without problems of facing rejection. They get to analyze the way it is doing and controlling any new occurrences.

Arts effect on society have led to general improvement of the way of life of the members. They view it differently and try to mend where the actors are not perfect or going wrong. This brings up a morally upright community that is bound together.

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