samedi 25 mai 2013

What To Do To Know How To Draw Cartoon Characters Step By Step

By Vicki Diaz

If you have an interest in caricature, knowing the art of sketching them would be an ideal step. You can master the art of drawing a character you have seen or even know the steps to creating your own cartoons. Numerous tricks and tips can arm you with the skills to know ways of how to draw cartoon characters step by step.

The most important part of knowing a way to create good graphics is being conversant with the structures of people and animals. This should assist you in creating realistic details on your drawing. The most complicated stage will be getting familiar with ways to make various expressions. When drawing the lips, the eyebrows or the eyes, you will have the chance to portray the feeling of your character.

When drawing, you must always start with the head. Make your own considerations and figure out whether you want the head of your character to be round, oval, cylindrical or triangular. As you do this, be sure to outline the jaw and the eyes properly. Additionally, ensure that the nose of the character turns in a similar direction as the face. This will make the picture proportional and obviously more realistic.

The head of your character can have other features like a mustache, hair, a beard or a hat if you so prefer. Such features will assist you to define the gender, the personality and the age of a character. Your drawing will be exceptional if you revolve around the use of basic shapes. You can then add details to show the character that brings to life a cartoon. Remember that only the eyes and the mouth of the cartoon can be used to show facial emotions.

The next facet will be drawing the body. Normally a more circular figure can be used to define a plump character. Rectangular shaped caricatures will appear to be thin and tall. Pear shaped figures can be used to portray an average bodied character as well as those who are young or middle-aged. You should be keen when choosing the shapes to use.

Creating the perfect sketch of the hands and figures of a cartoon is perhaps the most challenging part. Hands are a perfect feature you can use if you would like to show the masculinity of a character. You should draw four instead of five fingers. This will give you the ability to easily show different hand positions. It will not be mandatory for you to define the joints in the body. Just make sure that everything appears real.

Sketching the legs will be extremely interesting. Straight tubes can be used to show that the character is standing. Bent tubes will show some sort of motion. If you would like to create a very huge animation, you should increase the distance from one leg to another. Always remember that if this length is too much, your creation will not appear real.

When learning how to draw cartoon characters step by step, you ought not to forget to give your buddy an outfit. This should be the final stage of the drawing. The nature of the caricatures should assist in dictating the real nature of their outfit. Be sure to use wavy lines to show motion and straight lines when the character is not moving.

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