dimanche 3 février 2013

Why People Need To Know About Arts Effect On Society

By Brittney Swanson

In the modern world, artists from many different countries are working on pieces every single day. Musicians spend most of their days playing their instruments and getting better at their craft. Painters look around their towns and local villages, searching for people and landscapes to paint. Writers are in local coffee shops and museums, trying to find inspiration to write their next novel. Playwrights and movie directors are constantly filming end editing footage to make the next great movie. Without art, people would have an incredibly difficult time figuring out proper ways to express themselves and their emotions. When one understands arts effect on society, they can appreciate art more as a whole.

When thinking about various ideas in human history, people should remind themselves that art serves a big purpose. Artists can choose to document any historical event that they choose. For instance, some writers might pick a subject like World War II. Many paintings, books, and songs have been composed because of the tragedy that happened. When so many people are affected by such an incident, art is generally created.

Some say that art also exists to create empathy between people. Some people inherently lack empathy for certain situations, mostly because they haven't had a similar experience in their life that they can relate to. However, when you view a work of art about a specific topic, it can help you understand an idea or an event a lot better. For instance, if you were to view a painting of holocaust victims, it would give you an idea of the suffering and evil that took place during that time.

Art can also be used as a reflection of the best that human beings have to offer. There are several musicians working in the world today, that play their instruments masterfully. However, like Olympic athletes that train every single day at their craft, world class musicians must work hours and hours to get better at what they do. However, the result is generally something very poetic and beautiful.

Art can also be used as a mood elevator. People who experience depression or anxiety may find comfort in art. For instance, if someone is having a bad day, they can always cheer themselves up by listening to a fun song or reading a funny book. Art can help people deal with negative emotions and replace them with positive ones.

Some people would have a very hard time expressing themselves without the use of art. If a musician did not have access to an instrument, they would feel very restricted as to how they could express themselves. Without art, people lack a good way to express their emotions.

Art can also be used as a therapeutic tool. Individuals that have had stressful and traumatic experiences may find the use of art cathartic and therapeutic. Others may also relate to their experiences too.

Arts effect on society is so large, that it can be difficult to fully understand how important it is. Whether it is being used to document human history, or being used to feel better about having a bad day, human beings have used art in society for thousands of years. Try to enjoy some art in your local town or district to gain more of an appreciation for it.

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